Fenmei Hu

autobiographical - Diaspora - figurative - human - painting

As a migrant child, I always look for a place where I feel 'at home'. What is my identity? Who am I and what do I show? I engage in conversation, teach outsiders to understand my world better, show the deeper layer of my culture and at the same time I learn more and more myself. Staying close to myself to move forward.

Wat je niet ziet - Schildering op keramiek. Oude Chinese restaurant borden als drager van mijn verhaal. Serie van 5
Golden - 24x30cm, mixed media
Not black, not white but Golden - 30x40cm, mixed media
Landschap - 18x23cm, olieverf op doek
Bloesems - 80x120cm, olieverf op doek
Portret - in prive collectie kunstverzamelaar
When the lightning strikes the uncle - ongeveer 180x120cm, olieverf op diverse doeken
Wind - in prive collectie kunstverzamelaar
Lisha-Yuhu - in prive collectie kunstverzamelaar
The tragedy of the grandparent - 100x150cm, olieverf op doek