At a time when generosity and transparency are things we collectively lack, my work demonstrates a type of generosity by using the familiar then launching it into unfamiliar territory. The intention is to coax a slow viewing, to generate the space for a suspended moment where opposing thoughts can be held, without calamity, in one vessel. My sculptural practice explores the dissonance that often occurs between what is actual and what is expected. My pieces quietly suggest to loosen the reigns. To abandon some preconceptions. To take a moment, pause, breathe and quit with all the assumptions. My practice is a continuous questioning of various value systems. Taking material behaviors or object traits and turning them from perceived liabilities to affirmed assets.

Free For All
Invited by Roodkapje to be a mentor for their AIR program. Designed a framework for an exhibition, kept momentum, created the 'brand' identity. We made a flee market that involved many other people. Was a relational aesthetic expo, a look at commerce and art, and a study into the institutions willingness to spread capital.
Temp Work as part of A Door Ajar, Singing
A Door Ajar, Singing 3 June 2022 - 13 January 2023 A Door Ajar, Singing is an expanded group exhibition featuring 6 artists whose artworks connect to entrances and exits in the broadest sense. Joining us over the following months are (in order of appearance) Alexandra Phillips, Lee Kit, Ayo, Melvin Moti, Jo-ey Tang, and Charlotte Posenenske.
Nature - Nurture
I showed five pieces from various periods. Below is Just Hands, an ongoing work that began during a research period supported by CBK in 2020. Artists: Joseph Beuys — Wido Blokland — Denmark — Ewerdt Hilgemann — Carmine Iacolare — Hans Lemmen — Wim Nival — Alexandra Phillips — Robert Schad — Johanna Van overmeir
Dogs Can Smell Dogs
'In Dogs Can Smell Dogs, emerging talent Alexandra Phillips repeatedly urges the viewer to recognize the phenomenon of deviation and see it as a lubricant for real contact. She translates this vision into her sculptures, reliefs and videos by presenting familiar items and materials in unfamiliar ways. Phillips makes use of the intrinsic value and character of objects and materials. Her works highlight the unforeseen potential and appeal of our built environment' March 2
Royal Award for Modern Painting Nominee
two works on view in exhibition of nominees 2021
Three sets of 25 sculptures under 10cm constructed with combination of found and cast materials. Made in multiples. Thought of as focal points in a vast space such as a cityscape or sprawling exhibition space. Shown during Wild Summer of Art Part I and II in Rotterdam as well as partially in other venues. Project exists online as well as in the form of a printed scavenger hunt map designed by me, edition of 200.
Heavy Metal Parking Lot, Drive in Saturday The Mad House
An exploration of a specific type of racing that happens at Bowman Gray Stadium in Winston-Salem North Carolina. An attempt to understand the history, the culture and the activity of the chain race. Reading will be accompanied by printed matter that will be available for the duration of the exhibition.
A Habit is Also a Legend
Inflatable sculpture inside of greenhouse provided by Growing Space. Located in residential neighborhood, inflationed during the day and at night the single fan was disconnected and the work takes a whole other form. Inspired by novella "The Literary Conference" by Cesar Aira
Bel Canto
Second 10 "record made in collaboration with partners listed above. Composition of various opera arias. A celebration / meditation on human vocal ability and the absurdity of" high art ". Sound mixed by me and record designed also by me. To be released January 2021 RECENTLY SET TO RERELEASE through FUTURA RESISTENZA Showcased September 10th 2022 at Roodkapje Rotterdam
Fan Fare for BOX
Audio work consisting of layered samples of crowds at various types of live performances. Part of online exhibition compiled by artist Kris van Dessel in response to the lockdown situation we are currently experiencing.