Chiara Pitrola alias cosmicswarm is a hydrofeminist practitioner who works with rituals, sound and wet ontologies. She’s concerned with ecotransfeminism, embodied practices, deep listening, herbalism and DIY community care.
The interactive installation Ectowomb speculates on posthuman gestationality, a facilitative mode of being not necessarily tied to feminised bodies, holding space for ecoqueer hydrocoreographies. A vessel displays an abundant sticky metamorphosis with shifting temperatures, partly slowly melting. Those who pass by are invited to re-centre, smell, slowly seek intimacy with this postamniotic reservoir and ultimately massage the wet assemblage.
The Women Gather
Trancecorporeal consists of a hydration liturgy and deep listening experience. The liturgy is intended to — acknowledge, channel, visualize — the fluid transits that allow our bodies to regenerate. Sensory fragrances, tea and melting ice sculptures make space for pleasure and rest as an act of resistance to reprosexuality. A spell cradles the experience evoking aqueous transits and ancient cycles bigger than us.