Edwin van der Heide

publieke ruimte, performance, omgeving, Media, Licht, interactief, installatie, Geluid, Digitale technologie, Audiovisueel

Edwin van der Heide is kunstenaar, componist en onderzoeker op het gebied van geluid, ruimte en interactie. Hij breidt muzikale compositie en muzikale taal uit naar ruimtelijke, interactieve en interdisciplinaire dimensies. Zijn werk bestaat uit installaties, performances en ruimtes. Het publiek bevindt zich in het midden van het werk en wordt uitgedaagd om het kunstwerk actief te verkennen en ermee te interacteren.

Son-O-House - 2004 - is "a house where sounds live", not being a 'real' house, but a structure that refers to living and the bodily movements that accompany habit and habitation. Son-O-House is an architectural environment and an interactive sound installation in one. The work is continuously generating new sound patterns activated by sensors picking up actual movements of visitors. Son-O-House is a collaboration of Edwin van der Heide and the architect Lars Spuybroek.
Spatial Sounds (100dB at 100km/h) - 2000 - is an interactive audio installation by Marnix de Nijs and Edwin van der Heide. In this engine-powered installation, a speaker is mounted onto a rotating arm that is several meters long. Like a watchdog, the machine scans the surrounding space for visitors. Closer investigation would be tempting fate, with the rotating arm swinging so powerfully round. You hear the impressive sound of the mighty motor revving up, turning faster and faster. You can feel the displacement of air as the speaker whizzes past you, and you had better step back, out of reach. The machine slows down and, when the shock wears off, you start exploring the space, with your movements manipulating the sound it produces. Just don't get too close! Spatial Sounds (100dB at 100km/h) builds up a physically tangible relationship with the visitor, since it is the game of attracting and repelling between machine and visitor that determines its sound and movement.
LSP - 2003-present - is a research trajectory exploring the relationship between sound and three dimensional image by means of laser projection. In 1815 Nathaniel Bowditch described a way to produce visual patterns by using a sine wave for the horizontal movement of a point and another sine wave for the vertical movement of that point. The shape of the patterns depends on the frequency and phase relationship of the sine waves. The patterns are known as Lissajous figures, or Bowditch curves.
Schwingungen – Schwebungen - 2015 - introduces a time-based, spatial and ephemeral component into the environment. Schwingungen - Schwebungen uses compressed air in combination with pneumatic valves to produce sound waves (Schwingungen). Acoustic horns are used to couple and direct the pneumatic energy (in)to the acoustic environment. Large monumental wooden horns are placed on the sides of the field and smaller circular metal horns are distributed throughout the field. The horns produce round sounding tones in the middle and low frequency registers of our auditory range. Schwingungen - Schwebungen is a permanent but slow changing composition resulting in spatial interferences (Schwebungen) between the sounds from the individual horns.
Evolving Spark Network - 2010 - is a multi-sensory installation. The sparks produce both sound and light. The generated patterns have distinct visual and sonic qualities. The sound of the sparks makes it possible to perceive the space as a whole. With our eyes we are always focusing on something (while not focusing on the rest) but with our ears we perceive the whole space around us.
Pneumatic Sound Field - 2019 - In the installation Pneumatic Sound Field, a continuum is being created between the rhythmical perception of sound, spatial perception of sound, and the perception of pitch. A horizontal plane of pneumatic valves is used to produce wind, pressure, and sound. The result is a breathing sound environment above the audience.
Fluisterende Wind (Whispering Wind) - 2017 - is a permanent installation situated in the new passage that cuts right under the recently renovated P.J. Veth Building of Leiden University. With this passage a new pathway between the Leiden Observatory and the Hortus Botanicus has been created. The artwork consists of a wall relief of 12.5 by 2.5 meters and an 8-channel generative sound composition. The composition creates a continuum between noise and human voice which results in moments where wind seems to be whispering.

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