O&O regeling 2021. Erik Peters is a multidisciplinary artist engaging with the world-building potentialities seeded in the act of storytelling, uncovering how speculative fiction can germinate new universes of being. His research-based practice is situated in the multi-porous web of independence of ecologies and technologies, human and non-human beings. Within his work, queer methodologies are evoked to create multidiscipinary scenarios; imaginative fables staged as spatial and interactive installations, workshops, publications and audiovisual works.

Uroboros Festival
The very first Uroboros fellow Erik Peters was selected via an open call, with their project Before the Deluge. Erik will introduce Before the Deluge and parts of their ongoing research process at the Uroboros 2024 festival, as part of the Feral Nest: Multispecies Sense~making event on November 30th, 2024
The Queer Geobacter
The Geobacter, which the exhibition’s title derives from, is a microbial species that has evolved to be able to eat and digest toxic waste in radioactive environments. QLU proposes a metaphorical approach to this exchange to encourage conversations about how practices of consumption relate to queer survival.
On May 10 and 11, the artist presented several audiovisual, textile, botanical and material pieces that speculated on possible subterranean ecosystems in the near future. Paying attention to both mythologies and realities that have existed beneath the layers of the Earth for centuries, the artist speculates on the post-natural conditions that are emerging in these times of planetary crisis.
Bits and Atoms
The syndicate of Transmedia Research Institute aims to investigate the post-organic framework in its 2024 endeavor. The seal of flesh that divided the human being from the physical and virtual stratifications of reality has been hacked, the boundaries between “human” and “machine”, “natural” and “artificial” have lost all ontological value.
Plastic Tides
Speculating the future of an archipelago that had emerged from plastic waste, Rotterdam-based artists Bianca Carague and Erik Peters present the third iteration of their ‘Maria Island’ projects through this exhibition. While the Philippines ranks highest as an oceanic plastic polluter, much of this waste originates from Western countries such as the Netherlands.
Maria Islands
Maria Islands is a fictional archipelago. Here, new species, cultures and technologies have emerged as a response to social and ecological crises. The exhibit’s thematic framework was initiated by Rotterdam-based artists Bianca Carague and Erik Peters, as the second iteration of a speculative worldbuilding project. Together with Philippine artists Celine Lee, Is Jumalon, Luis Antonio Santos, and Miguel Lorenzo Uy, they have created an island group made of debris.
Xenofossils at group show Fragments
For its 2023 festival edition, FIBER explores the theme of Fragments. Carrying a duality between something falling apart while simultaneously offering a chance to rearrange and explore new compositions. Fragments invites you to reassemble a new understanding of our surroundings and identities, using different acts of listening, music, sound, sonic speculation, and magical worldbuilding as inspiring and critical media.
'How to Wake Up the Ghosts' at group show The Measure of the World
RADIUS starts the year with the group exhibition THE MEASURE OF THE WORLD, revolving around the ghosts of Western Enlightenment thinking and the relationship between science, truth-finding and the consequential creation of worldviews. With the work of fifteen artists, the exhibition forms a conversation starter for the NATURECULTURES year program and presents a first counterpoint to the current crises that bear witness to the perverse reality of modernism.
Artist talk and residency at Emerging Islands, Philippines
Together, we formed Emerging Islands, a coastal-based organisation and residency. Our activities explore engagements between artists and grassroots communities on issues relating to the natural world through our artist residency program, community programming, artist-led expeditions, and multidisciplinary storytelling. By holding space for island voices and narratives, we hope to foster greater awareness and solidarity around the issues that coastal communities face and the shared culture tha
Responsible AI
Talk over responsible AI voor The Hmm
Queer Mercury at group show Deep in Vogue. Celebrating Ballroom Culture
Film screening 'Queer Mercury' als onderdeel van de groepstentoonstelling Deep in Vogue. Celebrating Ballroom Culture in Kunsthal.
From Then to Here
Solo tentoonstelling / curatie groepsinstallatie
Mutant Myths Worlds
Talk tijdens Fiber Festival
Yours Truthfully
Reassemble Lab: Weaving With Worlds
Serie van workshops en talks
Hamburger Community of Art
Dutch Design Week
Groepstentoonstelling This is not a simulation, Groepstentoonstelling Data-West
BIO26 Common Knowledge, The 26th Biennial of Design Ljubljana