Kamiel Verschuren

publieke ruimte, internationaal, Conceptueel, Community, Artistiek onderzoek

Conceptual interdisciplinary artist focused on self-organization and the social urban environment with a broad international practice and; as a (landscape) designer, draftsman, (social) activist, organizer, curator, producer, initiator, teacher and urban advisor. (Co-) founder of foundation B.a.d, foundation NAC, Stedelinks010, Studio Pompstraat, iStrike foundation, ICU art projects, PanoramaZuid foundation and foundation Charlois a/h Water. Since 1991 closely involved in the urban and social development of Rotterdam South. Working for a longer period of time in Casablanca (Morocco), Budapest (Hungary), Sapporo (Japan) and recently in Douala (Cameroon).
Works on an individual basis as well as in a wide variety of collaborations with other people and organizations.

http://sapporo2.org - http://sapporo2.exblog.jp

various projects - (from left top to bottom right): _ Drawings (Gallery Hommes, 2009) _ La realité n‘est pas un faît [reality is not a fact]- anti-skiing (video-)project French Alps, Savoie (FR 1997/1998) _ The money is everyone’s - public action with mobile notice board. Expressions Libre - workshop École des Beaux Arts Brest (FR 2014). With Lucas Grandin _ Picknick table (Zuiderpark Rotterdam 2005) _ NewWalkWays-NewBell, SUD2010 - Salon Urbain de Douala, triennial for public art in Douala (CAM). _ Opening-event theatre play "Hand in Hand" 100 years football club Feijenoord (Theatre Zuidplein 2008) _ "ALL" installation World Trade Center Art Gallery Rotterdam 2011 _ Language Laboratory, small stage 38th Poetry International Festival Rotterdam. City Theatre Rotterdam 2007 _ Waterloo Chess, social design for chess clubs (on various locations 2008)
various urban projects - (from left top to bottom right): _ Monument Verkeersslachtoffers NL [Monument for Traffic Victims NL]. Maastunnelplein Rotterdam. Commissioned by the district council Charlois 2002/2003 _ No more, No less - landscape design for the exterior space of a prison. Dome prison, Breda. Commissioned by the Government Buildings Agency 2004/2005 _ There is the future - a new social space for the housing projects Teuge 1 & 2. Commissioned by the municipality of Zutphen 2005/2006 _ Landscape design entrance area European School, Bergen North Holland. Commissioned by the Government Buildings Agency and the European School. Financed by the European Community, The city of Bergen and The Province of North Holland 1997/2000 _ Flaque Publique - model and urban design study historical centre of Oud-Charlois. Gallery Hommes Rotterdam. In collaboration with Alain Hurel (model) 2007 _ The Spatial Relational Univers - landscape design for schoolyard, Staring College Lochum. Commissioned by Kunst & Bedrijf and Stuurgroep Staring College Lochum. Financial support Mondriaan Foundation 2004/2005 _ The Shadow of the Image - spatial division entrance area inner garden, Wolphaertshof Oud-Charlois Rotterdam. Commissioned by the CBK Rotterdam 1995/1998
Activities NAC foundation - NAC Foundation (New Studios Charlois) is an independent, non-profit self-management organization founded in 2004 by artists and engaged citizens from the district of Charlois, in the South of Rotterdam. NAC was developed to manage free work and living space for (young) visual artists. Its aim is to stimulate, initiate and produce cultural activities and thereby generate a sense of public life in the city of Rotterdam with a special attention for the district of Charlois. This is done by (1) generating, managing and offering low-cost studio spaces or spaces needed to support an artistic practice for a short or longer period, (2) by promoting and organizing the participation of artists or other cultural producers in social and urban processes and in collaborations with public organizations, (3) and by stimulating artistic activities aimed on the society and the development of the public realm.
projects in Charlois 1991-2006

The Black Room#01

Locatie: site specific
In samenwerking met: Galerie Espace Larith - Chambéry (FR)

Quarantine stands for isolation, a separation from society.
The artist recognizes a similar situation in the studio, in which he/she voluntarily isolates himself from the environment, to be free. The Black Room is a scale model of an exhibition space in which I lock myself up for a certain amount of time.

Retro-Perspective: Charlois-Saint-Dénis

Locatie: HCE Galerie
In samenwerking met: HCE Galerie

The exhibition Retro-Perspective; CHARLOIS > SAINT-DENIS by Kamiel Verschuren is both a reflection on the different art projects realized in Charlois (Rotterdam-NL) between 1991 and 2023, as it is intended to be an opening to think about projects and a possible artistic engagement to Saint-Denis in the future.

Learning Exchange Residencies Newcastle - Rotterdam

Locatie: Paviljoen aan het Water
In samenwerking met: Andrew Wilson - Marika Vandekraats

Learning Exchange Residencies Newcastle - Rotterdam
Over a period of 6 months about 12 artists from Newcastle visit Rotterdam to learn and find collegues to exchange practises

More Lake City - X

Locatie: Redaktion - art space
In samenwerking met: Redaktion

MoreLakeCity-X - unstable urban development model
Futurological test-site Meerstad Groningen 2005-2025

Ecoduct Sociale / Station S'Sens

Locatie: Hauts de Saint-Aubin
In samenwerking met: Lucas Grandin (and Mladen Suknovic)

S'Sens Station / Social Ecoduct
with Mladen Suknovic, students and inhabitants of Hauts-de-Saint-Aubin

On the invitation of the inhabitants, the artists created an artistic proposal to activate and socialize a space above the A11 motorway, a curious course, a reality-movie set, made up of wooden structures, roads still under construction and an abandoned station.

Growing Space

Locatie: Eelkmanstraat Wielewaal
In samenwerking met: with Carmen José/Wilma Kun, supported by NAC foundation, CBK Rotterdam and Charlois Speciaal 2020

The aim of the project (in times of Corona) was to create an independent presentation space and to financially support artists. The project consists of a glass garden house/greenhouse, placed on a wooden platform and connected to the environment by 4 footpaths. The greenhouse is not accessible to visitors, but one can look inside and walk around it.
Since July 2020 over 75 exhibitions been made.

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