Myrte van der Molen (1994) investigates her love-hate relationship towards the social rules of conduct. By staging social situations, she creates visions of the future that question rules of behaviour in the social sphere. This research results in objects, costumes, installations, performance and videowork.

Zonder Regels
During Unfair22 we presented over 40 solo-presentations by up-and-coming and renowned artists, and a unique opportunity to buy works directly at the maker. Browse our selection of artists via our artist profiles, get to know their works, recent developments or just browse their favorite tunes.
Future Ready: Survival Now + Next, Anchorage Museum, Alaska
Survival Now + Next
Throughout time, humans have developed essentials for survival—tools, kits and constructions for making it out of dire predicaments alive—anticipating the inconceivable.
As the world faces the unprecedented, impacts will vary over time and with the ability of different societal and environmental systems to mitigate or adapt. Human lifeways and ecosystems will be changed.
Prospects – Mondriaan Fonds toont talent
At the the exhibition Prospects – the Mondriaan Fund shows talent, I will show my video-installation SOSocial.The video installation SOSocial is an archive of 25 videos, in which I explore power relations and social interaction with the help of mimes, objects and costumes.
The 2nd Nieuwstraat Festival
My performance will executed by volunteers during The 2nd Nieuwstraat Festival in may 2021.