NDNMK Solutions

schrijven, performance, Internet, Geluid, Experimenteel, Digitaal, Diaspora, Community, collage, Audiovisueel

Djatá Bart-Plange (1993, Meijel, NL(NL-GH)) is founder, CEO, and staff of NDNMK Solutions – a Rotterdam-based, artist-run company that specialises in ideology management and whiteness-related consultancy. We provide sound-focussed memetic mind castles that serve as spaces of reflection, confusion, digression, and possibly ascension.
Our projects are often narrative-driven and transdisciplinary – digital ecologies/structures where sound, short story, performance, image and point&click mutate/pollinate into exportable, likable, sharable, immersive pathworkings related to politics of knowledge, seductions of privilege, rituals of innocence, and (new age) marketing strategies.

sSludge and Tricknology OST release with Opal Tapes 2024
sSludge and Tricknology OST release with Opal Tapes 2024 - https://opaltapes.bandcamp.com/album/ssludge-and-tricknology-ost
sSludge and Tricknology - ‘In "sSludge and Tricknology," readers embark on a surreal adventure that questions the psychological price of privilege. Through an interactive narrative composed of interconnected folders, this experimental work challenges conventional storytelling, sparking conversations about the intricate nuances of our shared human experience. Within a disorienting landscape, bizarre encounters await as readers navigate a shifting world. Absurdity reigns as questions about social norms and identity's origins arise. "sSludge and Tricknology" offers a unique lens to contemplate surpassing the limitations of contemporary racial and gender constructs. By blending humor and introspection, it provokes readers to question their own experiences and embrace the inherent absurdity of existence.’ Visit full project here: https://mega.nz/folder/zu4SDCRZ#SaI__IXMboAurUg9F5Mbtw Read email foreword/interview here: https://www.bravenewlit.xyz/works/ssludgeandtricknology/
ASMR demolitionist for ‘Nobody Wade Never Too Much’ by Geo Wyex at JOAN. 2024
ASMR demolitionist for ‘Nobody Wade Never Too Much’ by Geo Wyex at JOAN. 2024 - https://joanlosangeles.org/geowyex/
DJ mix for opening performance of Simomo Bouj, at Buro Stedelijk. 2024
DJ mix for opening performance of Simomo Bouj, at Buro Stedelijk. 2024 - i made the music that was danced to in the opening performance of Manifestation #43 by Simomo Bouj https://burostedelijk.nl/manifestations/43-where-and-for-whom-listening-to-the-absences/
Residency ‘Summer Sessions’ at V2_ and Sardegna Teatro. 2024
Residency ‘Summer Sessions’ at V2_ and Sardegna Teatro. 2024 - https://v2.nl/people/djata-bart-plange
Film soundtrack for ‘To Be Doggo’ by Maja Simišić. 2024
Film soundtrack for ‘To Be Doggo’ by Maja Simišić. 2024 - https://www.balkanartscene.com/post/exhibition-to-be-doggo-by-maja-simi%C5%A1i%C4%87
Sound collage for 'Second Thought' by Emir Karyo. 2024
Sound collage for 'Second Thought' by Emir Karyo. 2024 - https://www.instagram.com/p/DFsvYcQsmyx/?img_index=3
noiserr (noise reading group)
noiserr (noise reading group) - Noiserr is an expanded Reading and Listening and Doing group focused on sound, and specifically, noise and noise philosophy. We read, act, think, sniff noise and the noise related and then we Talk or Do something about it in a Group setting. As usual: no preparation is needed, just come, be there, hang out, sip the Varia slop that’s been clogging the drains. We will provide material (also feel free to make requests) and snacks. Co-organised with Martina Raponi
Monster consultant for ‘Monsterous Masquerade’ by Julia Wilhelm. 2024
Monster consultant for ‘Monsterous Masquerade’ by Julia Wilhelm. 2024 - https://roodkapje.org/event/2024-12-the-monstrous-masquerade/
Angel Line 1M - Angel Line 1M is a dungeon crawler-type game in the shape and in the language of a rabbit hole. It’s an exploration of current day cult-like narrative techniques – How does the seduction work? Why does it appeal to us? And how do we maintain the connection to our loved ones who disappear into another echo chamber, another reality – whether that’s QAnon, Andrew Tate, FvD, yoga, or any other network of information? Call us; explore; let’s talk Solo work Listen here: https://085-0250225.io
Guest teacher for Honours Program at Willem de Koning Academie, Rotterdam. 2023 - ongoing
Guest teacher for Honours Program at Willem de Koning Academie, Rotterdam. 2023 - ongoing - WdKA Honours Program by Martina Raponi and Robert van Raffe. I give classes where i share the methods behind my practice and I develop frames and activities for students to use in their own projects.
Sound performances as Lunetten Shadow Banking for Le Guess Who? 2023
Sound performances as Lunetten Shadow Banking for Le Guess Who? 2023 - https://leguesswho.com/lineup/lunetten-shadow-banking/
Residency, Hamburger Community, Rotterdam. 2023
Residency, Hamburger Community, Rotterdam. 2023 - https://roodkapje.org/residency/
BLOODBANKING release as Lunetten Shadow Banking with Ukiuki Atama 2022
BLOODBANKING release as Lunetten Shadow Banking with Ukiuki Atama 2022 - https://ukiukiatama.bandcamp.com/album/bloodbanking [UUA-035] Lunetten Shadow Banking - BLOODBANKING credits released December 17, 2022 vocals: £​$​₿ (Lixer & Splash Soldier Splendid) production: track 1,2,12,13: £​$​₿ track 3,6,8,10: Supply Chain Sigil track 4,5,7,9,11: pharfetchd artwork: Hiroki Yamasaki mix: £​$​₿ master: Dane Burge
Visionary fiction workshops for youth with BAK, Utrecht. 2022 - 2024
Visionary fiction workshops for youth with BAK, Utrecht. 2022 - 2024 - Together with BAK Utrecht we developed creative workshops for high schools in the city where we use methods of visionary fiction to help them envision new futures and pasts.
Guest lecture for Rosi Braidotti’s Summer School, Utrecht University. 2022
Guest lecture for Rosi Braidotti’s Summer School, Utrecht University. 2022 - I gave a lecture about how my work deals with politics of knowledge and about how I use experimentation against the coloniality of the academic form.
Talent development fund, Stimuleringsfonds. 2022
Talent development fund, Stimuleringsfonds. 2022 - https://talent.stimuleringsfonds.nl/djat_bart_plange
Workshop Dissecting the Game at Varia, Rotterdam. 2022
Workshop Dissecting the Game at Varia, Rotterdam. 2022 - https://vvvvvvaria.org/rr-dissecting-the-game.html Het leven en de wereld missen voor velen betovering, doel, gemeenschap en misschien wel een level-up-systeem. Voor sommige mensen bleek het industriële complex van nepnieuws in deze behoeften te kunnen voldoen. Gemeenschappen zoals QAnon werken op dezelfde manier als alternatieve reality-games (ARG) en culten in hun communicatie en psychologie. Door de realiteit te gamificeren, voorzien gemeenschappen rond samenzweringstheorieën velen van verhalen om de huidige angsten te begrijpen. We zullen teksten lezen met betrekking tot speltheorie, (neo-)mythologieën, magie en animisme, zodat je deze zachtjes kan integreren in je geloofssysteem.
Sound performances as Lunetten Shadow Banking for Gaudeamus 2021
Sound performances as Lunetten Shadow Banking for Gaudeamus 2021 - With the archive material of Gaudeamus, presents LSB (Lunetten Shadow Banking) a hyperactive frame story. Audiovisual horror with raps, noise, hardcore kicks and capitalist melancholy. Inspired by the experimental music of the last century, they create a contemporary fairy tale.
£$₿ MONOPOLY Shadow Edition release as Lunetten Shadow Banking with Off Center
£$₿ MONOPOLY Shadow Edition release as Lunetten Shadow Banking with Off Center - https://offcenter.bandcamp.com/album/monopoly-shadow-edition (Lunetten Shadow Banking is Lide Groutars + NDNMK Solutions)
Sound/dance performance for Antonio Jose Guzman and Iva Jankovic at Sonsbeek festival 20-24
Sound/dance performance for Antonio Jose Guzman and Iva Jankovic at Sonsbeek festival 20-24 - Deze locatie specifieke installatie en processie onderzoekt de transatlantische, koloniale geschiedenis van indigo met betrekking tot de productie ervan op Surinaamse en Javaanse plantages en in Europa, waaronder de provincie Gelderland in Arnhem. Het maakt deel uit van de serie The Supreme Exodus, waarin Antonio Jose Guzman zich bezighoudt met culturen van de Zwarte Atlantische Oceaan (Paul Gilroy) en hybride migratoire esthetiek (Mieke Bal). De laatste vijftien jaar heeft de kunstenaar zich geconcentreerd op postkoloniaal artistiek onderzoek dat te maken heeft met zijn eigen Panamese achtergrond, en hier vindt hij de oorsprong van indigo in Latijns-Amerika, Azië en West-Afrika en vervolgens in de Afrikaanse slavenhandel waar de waarde ervan exponentieel als betaalmiddel is gestegen.

Summer Sessions residentie 2024

Locatie: Sardegna Teatro
In samenwerking met: V2_ Unstable Media & Sardegna Teatro

Tijdens deze residentie heb ik een camera app gemaakt die foto's vertaald naar geluid, beeld en tekst. De speculatieve fictie die de app behuisd behandelt thema's zoals klimaatcolonialisme, electronisch afval, magie, Christendom.
De app kan door een ieder alleen verkend worden, maar zij is ook gemaakt om als performance-tool te dienen tijdens fotografietours die ik dit jaar (2025) organiseer.

Residentie Hamburger Community

Locatie: Roodkapje

Tijdens hun residentie hosten 5 kunstenaars verschillende evenementen waarin ze ook hun werk presenteren.


Talentontwikkeling Stimuleringsfonds 2022

In samenwerking met: Stimuleringsfonds

Tijdens deze periode heb ik sSludge and Tricknology gemaakt.

Deze kunstenaar heeft nog geen toekenningen.