Phyllis Wong is an artist, architect and design researcher with an eloquent eye for tiny details, a flair for spatial quality and a conscious regenerative practitioner. She focuses on regenerative and sustainability-driven subjects. Steered by her flair to provoke and manifest daily facts into artistic pleasure, Phyllis aims to translate information and data into contemporary and witty creations. Her series of work always combines and connects food-related themes with an appropriate spatial characteristic or a matching location. Within every framework lies her strong and vibrant composition skills. They are always combined with an adequate sense of aesthetic balance and harmony. This form of art direction strives to glorify her ideas to achieve a unique 'Gesamtkunstwerk'; total work of art.
Klimaat Expo
ClimateExpo '22 is an exhibition about climate change. It is the first national exhibition in which all artists are asked to express their vision on this topic. Artists take up the gauntlet and have played an essential role in conveying the relationship between man and nature for some time. Hence this exhibition allows artists to express their concerns about preserving nature in various ways. The Factory - The Boiler Hall has been selected and will be on show and on sale during this exhibition.
Arte Laguna Prize exhibition
The event is part of the Arte Laguna Prize exhibition circuit in Veneto - The Land of Venice. Selected by the MoCA Cultural Association, this exhibition will see 47 works on display including 'In the house of Martha and Mary' by Phyllis Wong.
Nikon-Noor Academy
Since 2009, Nikon Europe and the NOOR Foundation have collaborated on a subsidized educational series of masterclasses targeting young, aspiring documentary storytellers. This year, 45 international image-makers including Phyllis Wong were awarded this chance and will take part in the intensive workshops led by NOOR authors and held in either France, Hungary, or Poland.
Dupho SO Awards 2022
DuPho, Dutch Photographers, organize the annual SO Award, Selection Of Dutch Photography. By nominating a wide range of national talent, Dupho aims to visualize the wide variety of the profession every year. Phyllis Wong has been nominated as one of the 20 finalists.
Arte Laguna Prize exhibition
Arte Laguna Prize is an international art competition open to multiple disciplines – visual, performing, multimedia, landscape and digital arts – for the enhancement of contemporary art and the mapping of its current state. Selected as a finalist and exhibited at the historical Arsenale, my work '“The Factory, the Boiler Hall' was showcased.
A Thousand Words
“A Thousand Words” brings together the work of visual artists who explore narratives through their individual artistic practices. My work 'In the house of Martha and Mary' was selected along with 29 other international artists.
Arte Laguna Prize
Arte Laguna Prize is an international art competition open to multiple disciplines – visual, performing, multimedia, landscape and digital arts – for the enhancement of contemporary art and the mapping of its current state. Selected as a finalist and exhibited at the historical Arsenale, my work 'In the house of Martha and Mary' was also awarded a Biafarin Annual Artist Promotion Gold Package.
Art Gemini Prize
The Art Gemini Prize is a celebration to promote international contemporary art for emerging and established artists around the world. It is founded in 2012 in London by fine art enthusiast and dealer, Jimmy Lek. My work 'Take away couture, white' was a finalist.
Creative Tastebuds
Creative Tastebuds is a symposium for interdisciplinary dialogue, practice, and research on taste. Creative Tastebuds brings together scientists, artists and innovators from different fields to enlarge our knowledge and understanding of taste, mediated by creative practitioners of taste and art, stimulated by active audiences in inspiring venues. My work 'In the house of Martha and Mary' was selected as an innovation showcase where the artwork was also turned into an interactive confession.
Publieke Werken Rotterdam
Publieke Werken 2021 is an outdoor exhibition throughout Rotterdam with work by more than 670 visual artists, designers, photographers, illustrators and image makers on the outdoor advertising boards. The series 'The Greenhouse - the duck' in collaboration with photographer Pim Top was selected as one of the finalist.