Vincent Ceraudo

video, installatie, film, Digitale technologie, Conceptueel

My artistic journey moved these last years through several interests and forms of expression dealings with issues of human consciousness in relation to technologies, space, time and memory, construction of reality and fiction. At the very heart of my practice, occurs the fascination and the desire of the human to temporarily escape the influence of the body and the real. Through videos, films and installation, my works focus on the experience and the limits of the body, as well as the mechanisms of our sensory devices. I am seeking how this kind of experience of escaping the real can be captured and then shared. The term of capture seems to me more appropriate to de ne my approach, it refers also to a certain history of images and photography; to the lexicon of ghosts, traces, invisible or forgotten memory. Concerned with the issue of the invisible and the function of it’s documentation, I am questioning the materiality of images and their conceptual meanings to blur the boundaries between reality and fiction.

The distance between the viewer and I (part1) (2014) Installation of two vide´os- 9’37” each 2014 - On Thursday, April 24, 2014, a person with ability of extrasensory perception who can locate distant places is invited in a studio. He tries for almost two hours to locate a remote location in which the artist let any prior information (Only the artist has the knowledge of the target location). A video recording of the “remote viewer” (person trying to locate) and target leagues recorded in live constitute the form of this experience. password : chine View of the installation at MUMA, Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne, Australia 2015
Paris City Ghost - Paris City Ghost (2015) video 4K 5 min 55 sec 2015 After the purest coincidence of discovering in the suburbs of Hangzhou, a replica of Paris as an utopian post-modernism architectural project, I decided to live for a week in this replica city located more than 11000km away from Paris. Using the drone camera technology which remind surveillance and control, I explored the physical and psychological architectural limits of the place. password: chine View of the installation at La station gare des mines, Paris 2017
The Observatory - The Observatory (2016) video 4k 18 min 2016 On January 18th 2016, I invited a group consisting of a psychic, scientists and paranormal investigators, is invited inside a mysterious observatory in the Paris suburbs. During several days, they try to explore the site through their specific skills. While ignoring everything from this observatory, they each reactivate in their own way the history of this place and of his owners Camille Flammarion. password: chine
Liminality - Liminality (2017-2019) B / w photograms on negatives scanned and enlarged size variable 2017/2019 Photograms on negatives made of different substances which have the specificities to reproduce or to induce an Out Of Body Experience. View of the installation during Art Rotterdam.
Out Of Body - Out Of Body (2017-2018) HD video transferred on 35 mm film 7 min 18 sec 2017/2018 A silent 35 mm black and white film projection showing the artist in his studio in a meditative states inducing an Out of Body Experience. This experience is recorded with a video- camera project the viewer into a a subjective hallucinated view. The camera is scanning the space of the artist studio as if it is scanning the artists’ body. Simultaneously, it explores the physical space of the studio in detail as it appears to journey towards the artists’ inner world. password : chine View of the installation during Secret Society at AVL Mundo 2019.
From there we came outside and saw the stars - From there we came outside and saw the stars (2019) video HD and CGI 12 min 13 sec 2019 From there we came outside and we saw the stars (2019), is a video that highlights two buildings conceived by the rationalist architect, Giuseppe Terragni (1904-1943). In this work I have filmed the Asilo Sant’elia in Como, a school whose architecture was designed to ‘awaken children’, but I have also recreate with computer gene- rated images the project Danteum in Rome, a monument dedicated to Dante, however, never realised. This video consist of a journey inside the rationalist architecture, and questions how fictional elements can become physical objects, through the exploration and apprehension of space. password: chine View of the installation during Secret Society at AVL Mundo 2019

Visual Artist

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