Conceptual artist wolf engelen works in public space in the field of social sculpture and learning environments – both in self-initiated projects and on commission. By placing the studio as a creative space in the public domain, he tries to place art at the center of society in a self-evident and inseparable way through collective making and thinking processes. wolf engelen is founder of the organic research collective SOHERE (2016), which develops horizontal learning environments in ever-changing compositions of thinkers and doers. From the City Monastery of Engelenburg (since 2020), a religion-free place of continuity and concentration, he investigates the practice of generosity, love, sincerity and detachment. The supra-individual, helping as an action, ideas as gifts, long-term commitment.
Structures of Unfeeling
Organisch onderzoekscollectief SOHERE organiseert een performatieve leeromgeving die het tentoonstellings-format gebruikt om publieke bewustwording rond seksueel misbruik te versterken.
Was ist das Problem?!
2023 WORM en Wunderbar Rotterdam: Werkstatt Kassel Wormdag (workshops/performance, radiouitzending-event)
Excursie Documenta 15, opdracht i.s.m. Steve Elbers/Stichting DOEN en Stichting
Wijkcollectie. Deelnemers: wijkinitiatieven Het Bollenpandje, Stichting Pluspunt, Victory Outreach,
Buurtsteunpunt Delfshaven; bewoners van wijken waar SW actief is; Nicole van Dijk, Marijke Gips,
Klaas van der Burg (SW); Marthe van Gils (Veldacademie); kunstenaars Jip van der Hek, Sachia
Pereira-Stolle, Not jh0n, Werner van der Zwan, Jo/seph/ine Baan, Contemporary Glory Contemporary
Cash, Fleur Wortman
i.s.m. Jip van der Hek. Volwassenen- en kinder-Rondetafelgesprek i.s.m. Kunstlab+Buren en TENT, Atelier in Atelierprogramma o.a.: Jo/seph/ine Baan, Múz Spaans, Thelma Boateng, Precy Numbi en Werner van der Zwan, Roxette Capriles, Meryem Yagoub, Contemporary Glory Contemporary Cash, Repelsteeltje, Djuna Corvee, Anouschka Persy, Ariadne Urlus
Stichting Wijkcollectie
2022-() advies en conceptontwikkeling, 2022-2024 Estafette Interviews, 2022 -() De Leerstoel, 2022-2023 PZZLN (happenings gebiedsonderzoek)
Push Play
Draw a Line (2000, Jeanne van Heeswijk & Rolf Engelen) was onderdeel van Free Play: Sheila C. Johnson Design Center at Parsons School of Design / The New School New York en de tour Push Play: Vicki Myhren Gallery, University of Denver; Hedreen Gallery, Seattle University; The Rooms, Provincial Art Gallery Division St. John’s (CA); Museum London (CA), Handwerker Gallery, Ithaca College, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria; College of Wooster Art Museum; Arcadia University Art Gallery, Glenside