Anne Vera Veen

video, sociaal-maatschappelijk, Media, film, Experimenteel, Digitale technologie, Conceptueel, Audiovisueel, Artistiek onderzoek, Archieven

Anne Vera Veen is a visual artist and researcher with a background in visual anthropology.
She applies this background in her artistic research into audiovisual archives and as a co-founder of the artist-led collective Galerie de Jaloezie, platform for film and audio visual art.
Anne Vera mainly works with audiovisual media such as experimental moving image, film and photography. In her work she often engages found footage and archival material. She is interested in the epistemology of truth in the post-truth era, and in deconstructing Enlightenment-born myths about knowledge.

Digital Debris (2022, 20-screen video-installation, looped, 30’45”) - Digital Debris is a one channel 20-screen video installation comprised of new montages of ‘waste’ footage. By showing how new edits can place the material in a different context and create new meanings, it forms a re-appreciation of this visual waste material. The 20 screens that simultaneously play the same video-input, symbolize the excessive overload of visual content that continues to multiply exponentially and ultimately sediments into archaeological layers of digital debris. Exhibited at the exhibition Wasteland - Fungus Socialis (June 2022) in the Hague. Supported by prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, gemeente den Haag and fonds1818.
Defragmentation (2021, 7’23”) by Anne Vera Veen - Defragmentation revisits the philosophical reveries of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, as he wrote them down in 1943 in Le Petit Prince. Coming from a different planet, Le Petit Prince travels the galaxy and ultimately visits planet earth. His extraterrestrial perspective makes him question earthly matters. In a melancholical mood and homesick for his own planet of origin, Le Petit Price suggests a more poetic view on our galaxy. Visually the film plays with digital renders of otherworldly imaginations. The starfield simulation that was the default screensaver on Windows 3.1 in 1992 shows white pixels that act as stars and grow larger as they appear to move towards you. Google allows us to view the earth in a digital abstraction of space from a non-human perspective. Default computer wallpapers show us an image of nature that is so idealized it becomes almost unreal. All footage, text and sounds are found on the world wide web and agglomerated in a montage that creates new meanings. Screened at Galerie de Jaloezie.
Fancy Fantasy Futures of the Architect’s Mind (2022, 2’04”) by Anne Vera Veen - Architectural renders are the visual representations of a future world. Buildings that are not yet constructed form the backdrop of rendered future happiness and utter perfectness. The little human silhouettes which are used in the render to give live to the architectural scene, are always carefree and flourishing, living out their best life in the sunny weather, surrounded by intriguing architecture. Architects present us with a visual narrative of perfect people in a perfect place, and as such shape imaginations of our future world. Fancy Fantasy Futures of the Architect’s Mind explores the details of hyperperfection and idealization in the render of the Rijnhaven in Rotterdam by Barcode Architects. As the lyrics of Bohemian Rapsody are blaring through the rendered sky of the future of Rotterdam, we collectively ask ourselves: “Is this the real life, is it just fantasy?” Presented at the Architectural Film Festival Rotterdam. Supported by Stimuleringsfonds voor de Creatieve Industrie, Independent School for the City, Arcam
Terms and Conditions (2022, soundpiece, 30'19''0 - The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the national Personal Data Protection Act (Wet Bescherming Persoonsgevens, WBP) aim to protect citizens’ privacy through policy. Yet developments in technology are occurring much more rapidly than policy can keep pace with. In this soundscape, Google’s privacy tems and conditions communicate with the European General Data Protection Regulation. Exhibited at the exhibition Private_Eye_Butler_Spy in Arcam, Amsterdam (March - June 2022)
Met een beetje fantasie (2020, print, A3, full-colour) - Based on the eponymous film (Met een beetje fantasie, 2020, 2’22’’), this print (2020, coloured image, A3) represents an imagined summer love. Selected for the Publieke Werken exhibition in 2020.
The Dawn Chorus (2020, 10'11'') - by Anne Vera Veen and Sachia Pereira - The Dawn Chorus shows a particular and bizar interpretation of lockdown life, through the eyes of two creatures who’s only input from the outside world is through a television channel. The two figures live in a basement and have developed their own rituals and preferences, hugely based on the input they get through the television that they watch. Using found footage, re-enactment, glitch aesthetics, costumes and montage techniques, this film shows the consequences of lockdown life.

Filmvertoning AFFR: Fancy Fantasy Futures of the Architect's Mind (2022, 2'04'') by Anne Vera Veen

Locatie: Lantarenvenster
In samenwerking met: Architectuur Film Festival Rotterdam

My short film 'Fancy Fantasy Futures of the Architect's Mind (2022, 2'04'', Anne Vera Veen) was screened as part of the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam 2022. The film was made in the framework of the Film&Architecture studio, as organised by the Independent School for the City, and was financially supported by Arcam.

Tentoonstelling Wasteland: Fungus Socialis, presentatie Digital Debris in groepstentoonstelling

Locatie: The Grey Space in the Middle

Digital Debris is a one channel 20-screen video installation comprised of new montages of ‘waste’ footage. By showing how new edits can place the material in a different context and create new meanings, it forms a re-appreciation of this visual waste material. The 20 screens that simultaneously play the same video-input, symbolize the excessive overload of visual content that continues to multiply exponentially and ultimately sediments into archaeological layers of digital debris.

Filmvertoning 'Defragmentation' bij Galerie de Jaloezie

Locatie: IJzerblok Rotterdam

Defragmentation revisits the philosophical reveries of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, as he wrote them down in 1943 in Le Petit Prince. Coming from a different planet, Le Petit Prince travels the galaxy and ultimately visits planet earth. His extraterrestrial perspective makes him question earthly matters. In a melancholical mood and homesick for his own planet of origin, Le Petit Price suggests a more poetic view on our galaxy.

Tentoonstelling Private_Eye_Butler_Spy

Locatie: Architectuurcentrum Amsterdam
In samenwerking met: Arcam

Smart devices assist us in the home and office, cameras register movements and algorithms determine information flows. The influence of technology on everyday life is ever increasing. The exhibition Private_Eye_Butler_Spy at Arcam examines the changing relationship between technology and humans, and the impact of technology in and on the built environment.

Filmvertoning 'The Dawn Chorus'

Locatie: Online (Covid)

The Dawn Chorus shows a particular and bizar interpretation of lockdown life, through the eyes of two creatures who’s only input from the outside world is through a television channel. The two figures live in a basement and have developed their own rituals and preferences, hugely based on the input they get through the television that they watch.
Using found footage, re-enactment, glitch aesthetics, costumes and montage techniques, this film shows the consequences of lockdown life.

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