Ben Weir

tekenen, schrijven, publieke ruimte, Publicatie, installatie, Artistiek onderzoek

I (Ben Weir *1991, Belfast) work within the discipline (as opposed to the profession) of architecture. I denounce the notion of the architect as a neutral service provider. I draw, write, research and build. I work to uncover hidden spatial and material potentials. I generate projects through the survey of existing conditions, a process that invents as much as records. I favour dynamism, the unfinished, the open-to-change. I reject demolition and tabula rasa. I dissect, re-present and interrogate existing urban artefacts, seeking to express their current condition, situation, or relationship to us. I insert new objects into this milieu, always seeking a positive contribution to a diverse, equitable and complex environment.

A Façade for an Artist Studio - A permanent installation to the guest artist’s studio in Greylight Projects, Heerlen. (2023) Spruce, scaffold pole, polycarbonate, wood stain, 3600 x 3535 x 1020mm
A Façade for an Artist Studio - A permanent installation to the guest artist’s studio in Greylight Projects, Heerlen. (2023) Spruce, scaffold pole, polycarbonate, wood stain, 3600 x 3535 x 1020mm
Peutz Sconce - A folded stainless-steel sconce, translating a fragment of the work of Heerlen architect Frits Peutz (1896-1974) into a domestic object. Stainless-steel, mild steel, nuts and bolts, LED tube lamp, 760 x 555 x 309mm Produced during a residency at Greylight Projects, Heerlen (2022)
Radiator Benches - Permanent installation at Catalyst Arts, Belfast. Produced for the show 'Core is Concrete' curated by Kate Murphy. (2022) Steel beam, steel fin radiator, steel box-section, threaded rod, nuts, bolts, rubber, paint, 2000 x 500 x 460mm; 1250 x 500 x 460mm Photography: © Simon Mills
Radiator Benches - Permanent installation at Catalyst Arts, Belfast. Produced for the show 'Core is Concrete' curated by Kate Murphy. (2022) Steel beam, steel fin radiator, steel box-section, threaded rod, nuts, bolts, rubber, paint, 2000 x 500 x 460mm; 1250 x 500 x 460mm Photography: © Simon Mills
Charged Space - A vitrine and a lamppost, a night time street scene inside a former psychiatric hospital. Solo show at 3bisF Lieu d'art Contemporain, Curated by Diane Pigeau. Plywood, plexiglass, steel, paint, lighting fixtures (2022)
Casa Vilaró - Study of Casa Vilaró (built 1930) produced during residency with Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Barcelona, ??and BOZAR, Brussels. Pigmented MDF, steel plinths, dimensions variable. (2020) Photography: © Jóse Hevia
Casa Vilaró - Study of Casa Vilaró (built 1930) produced during residency with Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Barcelona, ??and BOZAR, Brussels. (2020) Pigmented MDF, steel plinths, dimensions variable. Photography: © Jóse Hevia
Brick Poems - A series of compositions made with bricks salvaged from the demolition sites of historic buildings in Belfast. (2020)
1600=1600 - A fire is inserted into a Modernist building that was never supposed to contain one, yet somehow still belongs. Aerated-concrete block, concrete, fire brick, stainless-steel stove accessories, 4.89 x 4.32 x 6.65m. (2019) Photography: © Werner Mantz lab


In samenwerking met: Mondriaan Funds



A residency about making heated furniture with whatever comes to hand

Greylight Projects

In samenwerking met: Kulturraum Niederrhein a.V.

Autumn residency as part of the Borderland Residencies programme, a unique network of art residencies in the Maas-Rhine Euregion. I was studying the work of Heerlen architect Frits Peutz and its relationship to the post-mining city.

Core is Concrete

Locatie: Catalyst Arts
In samenwerking met: Fenton Arts Trust

Permanent furniture installation, alongside interventions by Niamh Seana-Meehan and Tanad Aaron

Charged Space

Locatie: 3bisF - Lieu d'Arts Contemporains

Solo show

Casa Vilaró: A Caress and a Blow

Locatie: Fundacio Mies vd Rohe, Barcelona Pavilion

Exhibition of residency outcome, launch of publication, public talk.

3 bis F


A contemporary arts center of national interest (CACIN) set within the Montperrin Psychiatric Hospital. The residency included workshops with patients and staff about measuring space and objects, and concluded with a solo show in the exhibition hall which explored the notion of buildings-inside-buildings.

Not Quite Nearly Fine

Locatie: Fondazione Baruchello

Presentation of recorded reading of short story, published in a book of the same name. Group show featuring Anne Huijnen, Artun Alaska Arasli, Ben Weir, Daniel de Paula, Giulio Squillacciotti, Marie Claire Krell, Marwan Moujaes, Nour Mobarak.

Irish Modernisms: Legacies of Modernism in the North

Locatie: CCA Derry~Londonderry

Group show featuring James Ashe, Phillip McCrilly, Grace McMurry, Rachael Campbell-Palmer, Ben Weir

Research Associate

Locatie: CCA Derry~Londonderry

Artists in Architecture: Re-Activating Modern European Heritage

Locatie: BOZAR

Studio Tutor

Locatie: Queen's University

Development and co-running of Master's in Architecture postgraduate program, including field trips, lecture series, design of student project briefs and studio methodology

Artists in Architecture: Re-Activating Modern European Houses

Locatie: Casa Vilaro
In samenwerking met: Mies van der Rohe Foundation (Barcelona), University of Naples Federico II (Naples) and BOZAR (Brussels)

A Creative Europe program of the European Union in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH), which sought to unlock various issues related to the preservation, adaptation and (re)activation of European architectural heritage. I was placed in the 1930 villa Casa Vilaro, the 'first rationalist house in Spain.'

GET LOST art route 2019

Locatie: Sloterdijk

Temporary architectural installation in public space, collaboration with artist Andrea Canepa

Van Eyck Open Studios

Locatie: Jan Van Eyck Academie

Built intervention alongside 46 participating artists, designers, architects, curators and writers

DU 2017

Locatie: Henri Jonaslaan
In samenwerking met: Stichting Destination Unknown

8 person show resulting from 2 month residency occupying 3 empty anti-squat houses prior to their demolition

Jan van Eyck Academie


Participant at post-academic institute

Imagine! Belfast Festival of Politics and Ideas

Locatie: Talbot Street

Temporary architectural installation in public space, alongside curated program of performances, talks, sound installations from invited guests


Locatie: Framewerk

Exhibition alongside book launch



Nomadic residency program. Eight emerging artists selected to occupy three anti-squat houses on Henri Jonasslaan in Caberg.
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