Cengiz Mengüç

Publicatie, printen (2D), installatie, Design, Artistiek onderzoek

Cengiz Mengüç is a graphic designer and artist from Apeldoorn currently living and working in Rotterdam. Drawing from his background in advertising and graphic design, he is interested in the construction of multilingual and diasporic design languages that are inscribed in our everyday visual and material culture.

In his current practice he holds a strong focus on research and (self-)publishing, often working across various printing processes and techniques. Over the years this resulted in an output of print-, installation- and event-based work that often includes collage, writing, typography, graphic design, audio, video and programming.

Cengiz showed work at Framer Framed, Gemaal op Zuid, Metro54, OMI, Seoul Mediacity Biennale, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and published work via Onomatopee, PrintRoom and Everyday Technology Press.

Photo: Talk Anadolu Ekspres at “Sometimes it gets out of hand and turns into music” at Salon Des Amateurs hosted by Künsthalle Düsseldorf. Photo taken by Gizem Asıcı.

We Out Here / Post/No/Bills - Poster series for the outdoor poster exhibition 'We Out Here' hosted by Metro54 in 2020. Adapted by Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam as part of the exhibition Post/No/Bills in 2021. A0 offset print.
Het straatbeeld als archief - What does shopfront signage tell us about a neighbourhood and its businesses? As a result of municipal policy aimed at curbing ‘proliferation’ of public advertising, a wide variety of signs in the Pretorialaan in Rotterdam is increasingly disappearing from the streets or being standardized. In the work made for ZigZagCity, Cengiz sings the praises of the visual wealth seen over the years along Pretorialaan. Drawing on his appreciation of visual culture on the street to reveal its history and stories, he invites us to view the streetscape as a living archive. (—) Installation of 12 PVC street light banners, 80x180 cm. (—) Photo: OMI / Ossip van Duivenbode
Het straatbeeld als archief / Pretorialaan Letter Index - What do shopfronts tell about a street, neighbourhood or district? In the lively Pretorialaan the colourful advertisements disappear from the streetscape as a consequence of urban transformations and strict policies. Exploring these distinct design languages as visual expressions of the neighbourhood’s identity, the exhibition attemps to brings them to life with photos, stories and visual and typographic studies. Photo: OMI / Ossip van Duivenbode.
Resilient architecture - Contribution to Resilient architecture / Leesmap, with Czar Kristoff and Matt Plezier. Published by PrintRoom. B5 laserprinted zine.
Anadolu Ekspres: A journey into Turkish 'gurbetçi' music - Curated event series and artistic research project on the histories of labour, movement and migration in music and popular culture of the first generation Turkish migrant workers in Germany and The Netherlands. A series of curated events, sonic lectures, talks and DJ-sets were organised on invitation of sonsbeek 20-24, Dutch Art Institute, documenta fifteen and Kunsthalle Düsseldorf/Inter Media Art Institute in 2021 and 2022.
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2022 Calendar of Leaked Research - A corporate calendar and research publication made with Clara Balaguer as Your Company Name. Published by PrintRoom, 2021.
Inverse Turizm/Reverse Diaspora - Visual contribution to the publication "Vernaculars come to matter" published by Everyday Technology Press in 2021. A5 offset print.

Vernacular Design Horoscope Reading - 2022 Calendar of Leaked Research

Locatie: PrintRoom
In samenwerking met: Clara Balaguer, PrintRoom

2022 Calendar of Leaked Research contains residue from an ongoing investigation into vernacular design culture as it manifests on the streets of Rotterdam and as it links to other design cultures in the elsewhere.

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