Clémentine Schmidt

video, installatie, film, Documentair, Digitaal, cross-over, Audiovisueel

Clémentine Schmidt uses sound and image to explore the relationships between our visual environments, our inner selves and our actions. Her artistic approach unfolds around the mind and the image, the body and subject, the tangible and the virtual. Her practice can also take the form of writing, new media installations, or an ephemeral eye as an editor for other artists; all of which are extensions or developments of her gaze.

Borehole-1 / Forage-1 - Project presented for the residency "Paysage Endormi", Domaine Saint Joseph, Aix en Provence, France In progress Collaboration work with Nanno Simonis Sound: Nanno Simonis Image and editing: Clementine Schmidt Sometimes, as if separated from the world, time lingers. We wonder if like the stars, we can only see more vividly what has imploded, disintegrated, disappeared. Some people read through the layers. Perhaps a tale; recounting all those lives that have dug into the ground, sometimes to hide the things they hoped to find. All those lives that others rediscover later and struggle to Understand. We dig everywhere, but what do we hide? What would the earth find if it were to dig for us? Perhaps also a dark, sinuous heap beneath layers of time traveled, felt and lived.
Mnemonic Shores (2023) - “In the mist in which existence lies, memories crystalize from past moments lived. Might be altered, might become in part fiction, but no less real. A moment that goes beyond the perceptible reality. As if the encoding of light and sound by the mind has warped into a fluid form of existence.A static state of constant movement, a ride into the fading waves of remembrance where Falcons of the inner eye murmur above a sea of ??silver-like memories .” Made by Nanno Simonis and Clémentine Schmidt; sound creation and editing by Nanno Simonis; Image and image editing by Clémentine Schmidt; mastered by Enyang Urbiks. Premiered at the CineAutopsia festival 2023 , Bogota experimental cinema festival, Bogotà, Colombia.
Marée Métal (2023) 6 channelVideo colour, 360 min & 7channel audio, 522 min Nantes, France - Last winter, Jacques Perconte invited me to write a text, to be one of the voices that gets lost in his images, for his exhibition in Nantes. I had just come out of a moment of desillusion, perhaps even anxiety, and since then I’d been thinking about childhood, about the body, about the idea of work. About this strange world into which we sometimes feel thrown. It occur- red to me that sharing this moment could federate in a diffe- rent way, and actually do some good. Images and Sound by Jacques Perconte, with the text and voices of Juliette Alhmah, Jacques Perconte and Clémentine Schmidt. Produced by Le Lieu Unique.
Mirages of the young mourner (2022), Video colour 4K, 8 min, - A «Plañidera» or Mourner was a woman who was paid to cry and mourn during the funeral rites or burial of the deceased. Mostly female, this practice appears in religious iconography, sculptures, and documentation from various periods and many countries around the world. While it is still a tradition in some African and Asian countries, this practice has almost disappeared from the Mediterranean basin and Eastern Europe. Yet somewhere in Europe, a grieving young woman caught between two realities, discovers herself without tears in her eye. With Majon Van Der Schot, Music and Sound design by Nanno Simonis; VFX by Misha Gurovitch, directed and edited by Clementine Schmidt, Part of the exhibition Pools of Swallowed Grounds in Casa banchel during Madrid Mayrit Biennale in June 2022.
Meta-Movement-Land (2020-21) - Vr installation & performance, 20 min, Netherlands. There’s something intimate about holding hands. Is it because we can feel each other’s pulse and temperature? Or is it because it transports us to the outside, into someone else’s possible interior? By entering the virtual inner world that Darreal presents in her installation, each spectator, one by one, becomes an involuntary actor in her own body, a shared moment to discover a form of life invisible to the human eye. With Majon Van Der Schot; writen and directed by Josse Vessies et Clémentine Schmidt, sound design by Amédée de Murcia; mixed by Anotine Nouel. Coding and technicalities by Stephane Lab & Niek Jonker, Set design by Xenia Lucie Laffely; Structure of the set design by Theophile Blandet. Produced by Stimulering Fonds Creative Industries, MakershuisTilburg & Clémentine Schmidt. Presented at De Nieuwe Vorst in Tilburg and at Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam in September-October 2021.
Quand les nuages parleront (2019) - Image editing for «Quand les nuages ??parleront»,a short documentary film of 45 minutes directed by french artist Emeric Lhuisset. This clandestine road movie is a journey through Türkiye's complex history and identities. Images: Emeric Lhuisset, Peggy Bruguiere et Claire Froes; Editing: Clémentine Schmidt; Sound design: Amandine Casadamont and Postproduction: Jeanne Dubresson. Produced by Les films de l'instant. This film was shown at Rencontres d'Arles 2019.
Editing choreography (2016) - Video color, HD, 2min 39 A glimpse of a face. Dancing feet. A bored young cowboy. Bodies and faces caught on camera. Images and editing: Clementine Schmidt

Paysage Endormi

Locatie: Paysage endormi route de Cezanne
In samenwerking met: DRAC Provence alpes-cote d'azur, régions sud, le domaine des Artauds, Secret d'ici

Paysage endormi is interested in the dialogue between contemporary art and heritage in the Provence region. It organizes artists' residencies and cultural events devoted to emerging artists and new artistic practices, within specific sites, bearers of history and tradition.

Bogotá Experimental Film Festival

Locatie: Cinemateca de Bogotá,
In samenwerking met: Nanno Simonis

Twice a screening of Mnemonic Shores. Work made in collaboration with Clémentine Schmidt

Pools of Swallowed Grounds

Locatie: CasaBanchel, C.Santiago Estevez, 26
In samenwerking met: Mayrit Bienal, Institut for Postnatural studies

Group exhibition curated by Mayrit Bienal Madrid 2022 during which Mirages of the young Mourner was screened.

It enters into what we become

Locatie: Nieuwe Instituut
In samenwerking met: Stimulering fonds

Morph exhibition in Nieuwe Instituut, during which Meta-Movement-Land was performed

Bel animals/ Morph exhibition

Locatie: Fey Castle
In samenwerking met: Fey Arts Festival

Vr performance made with Josse Vessies got presented during the Morph exhibition Bel animals at Fey festival 2019
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