Elif Oner

video, Taal, schrijven, schilderen, samenwerking, residency, Publicatie, performance, Media, installatie, Geschiedenis, fotografie, film, cross-over, Conceptueel, collage, Audiovisueel

Dichotomies like reality/fiction and nature/culture are major concepts in Öner’s artwork and research towards their visual language. Focusing the themes of self-perception and unwritten history, Öner uses the potential of the unconscious to research the unspoken in her artworks. Since 2018, Öner has been working with Evrim Kavcar, collaborating on a long-term project called Dictionary of Sensitive Sounds, a polyphonic, multiform, participatory process that traces the subjective, social and cultural layers of sound in multiple formats.

A DICTIONARY OF SENSITIVE SOUNDS - (Book by Elif Öner & Evrim Kavcar) A polyphonic, multiform, participatory artist book that traces the subjective, social and cultural layers of sound, carried out collaboratively by Elif Öner and Evrim Kavcar. Sounds, sounds that we en counter in our daily life, sounds that we point at with words yet the sounds that resist being worded. Not sounds that overpower, but the sounds that escape our attention. Sounds that belong to different bodies. Animals, plants, microcosmos within and outside of us… Not the sounds that are imposed on us, but the sounds that we pay no attention to. A sound transports us to different experiences, different times and places. That's because we have a problem with linearity. We have trouble listening to one another. We don't want to call it pitter patter and brush it off. We don't want to generalize. We are on the side of the sensitive. As sounds accumulate, a fraction of the collective memory becomes apparent. Both similarities and differences are revealed. Does a dictionary present opportunities to listen to them? Can it invigorate both the memory and the relationship with the present? Description as a form of art, description as an expression of wit nessing. Sound is both a supply and an emotional state. Sound is both itself and its own metaphor. It is the trace of the untamed within a tame practice of life. The sound heard inside the mind, that sound… Is the sound I hear the same as the one they do?”
GESTURES AND SOUNDS - Performans video, 8"17, 1920X1080, Elif Öner and Evrim Kavcar in collaboration with Süleyman Kun // “Within our artistic practice, but outside of language, somewhere without any words. In an effort to designate with words that which cannot be spoken, in pursuit of the layers of sound. Not sounds that overpower, but the sounds that escape our attention. Sounds that belong to different bodies. Animals, plants, microcosms within and outside of us…” https://youtu.be/M3Cs5NvwjwA
RECORDING - 2"55, Video mapping on collage,115x235 // I began this project following the coup attempt in 2016, a time when Turkey was already in the midst of political difficulties. In the face of social or personal traumas, breaking the connection to our own emotions manifests itself as a coping mechanism. In this case, we can no longer talk about a linear perception of time. worldview that is built through past and future falls down at such moments. At moments of vital threat, our physical and mental reality is fundamentally shaken as well as our positioning in the world. At the time when I started with this project, I was also working on writing a thesis about Walter Benjamin's concept of history. It is widely known that Benjamin himself faced a vital threat and unable to endure the pressure, he ended his life on his own. Consisted of pieces, or of montages, speaking in Benj amin's terms, The Arcades Project is his most remarkable effort to denounce the whole system of so- called history and reality, and a work that unfolds this effort technically as well. This mapping I carried out in my work with inspiration from Benjamin's comments on Angelus Novus, invites to read the history and reality through the technique of collage, which technically represents the disintegration of reality.
Nesin Art Village-Together at Threshold: Curators & Artists // Bige Örer, Çelenk Bafra, Elif Öner, Evrim Kavcar, Isin Önol, Kevser Güler ve Öykü Özsoy - ”The sound of a spider suddenly falling on paper and walking away" In this workshop that will attempt to evaluate the place of listening in artistic production and exhibition practices through a series of exercises, lasting three days, we will have a space to discuss states of making sound or remaining silent, listening or failing to listen. Does focusing on sound strengthen the theme? What do "Sensitive Sounds" correspond to in Nesin Village in terms of sounds, spaces, and experiences? Focusing on "sensitive sounds" that go unnoticed in a visually oriented world, describing the sounds in our memory in writing, sharing experiences after a silent walk in Nesin Village, and translating the sounds we will hear with our eyes closed (the sounds of gestures, touching objects, the sounds of everyday life in the background) into a visual representation will be the exercises of this workshop
DICTIONARY OF SENSITIVE SOUNDS - Elif Öner & Evrim Kavcar, Dictionary of Sensitive Sounds, video, 43'', 1920 × 1080, 2019- continue This is a text based video that lists a selection of sensitive descriptions of sounds. With the word “sensitive” the artists aim to draw attention to the “in-between”, “unnoticed”, “subtle” etc. qualities. The tangible quality of sound comes across. The experience of the moment is recalled through the memory of a specific sound. https://vimeo.com/388373339

Daire Artist in Residence

Locatie: Daire
In samenwerking met: Evrim Kavcar
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