Ez Silva

tekenen, schilderen, Diversiteit, Digitaal, Design, Conceptueel

Ez Silva is a self-taught artist from the city of Rotterdam. Her illustrations depict women with an inward-looking gaze. She explains that they illustrate both the introvert as well as the extravert qualities of the female experience; their power but also their introspection.
They are shown in profile with their eyes closed and their bodies are often contorted into the most beautiful poses. Of this she says: “The poses are meant to catch the spectator attention, whilst the closed eyes maintain a certain distance to the audience. These females are powerful and vulnerable at the same time and I wish them to be a mirror in which women see themselves reflected.” In short, Ez Silva wants to show all the contrasting facets of what it entails to be a woman.

Silk - Ez Silva - The truth is, self discovery isn’t this comfortable, miraculous thing. It can get ugly, it can get confusing. It’s gritty, it’s hard. It’s difficult to confront yourself sometimes, it’s difficult to be the person who does things differently, who doesn’t settle. But it’s the greatest gift you will ever give yourself. It will push you towards figuring out what your own personal version of happiness looks like; and when you grow on your own terms, when you figure out what actually matters to you, and when you carve out your own path, you live on your own terms. You love on your own terms. You become the person you have always wanted to be, rather than the person you were always told to be, and that is beautiful. Because when if comes down to it — life is about making yourself proud on your own terms. It’s about finding a happiness that works for you ~bianca sparacino
Cry - Ez Silva - May you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you cry when you awake. - Michael Faudet
Rebirth - Ez Silva - Ez Silva 2021 "Don’t hide your hurt, beautiful soul. Grab a hold of it. Run it through the purifying flame of your heart and mold it into something beautiful. Allow the depths of your pain to expand the breadth of your compassion. Gather up your stumbling stones and build a bridge for someone else. Remember what it’s like to be lost in darkness so you can be someone else’s much needed light. Don’t deny your pain or bury it away. Let it rise to the surface. And then transform it into something that makes it worthwhile." - Cristen Rodgers .
Sorrow - © Ez Silva - ^ Sorrow © Ez Silva " There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds. " - Laurell Hamilton
Release - © Ez Silva - “I release all control to the Universe. I am at peace with myself and with life.”
Dark Days - © Ez Silva - " If it weren’t for the dark days, we wouldn’t know what it is to walk in the light "
Last Supper - Ez Silva - Sometimes you wake up from a dream. Sometimes you wake up in a dream. And sometimes, every once in a while, you wake up in someone else’s dream.
Lillian - Illustratie kunstwerk voor DKB via Harvest Creative. Een reis door de tijd. 150 jaar jubileum DKB.
Marian - Bespoke Masterpiece Gouache on paper.


Locatie: Rotterdam
In samenwerking met: vrij werk

Illustratie Rebirth.
Met dit werk de prijs Kunstprijs Charlois 2022/2023 gewonnen. Op nummer 1.

Deze kunstenaar heeft nog geen toekenningen.