mo Futures

video, schrijven, LGBT, fotografie, Diaspora, Dekolonisatie, Archieven

mo Futures is a visual artist, photographer, researcher, writer, archivist and Time-traveler. Their art always comes from a Queer Afropean perspective and is motivated by topics ranging from Black Joy to the impact of technology and from the authority of Archives to the power of our Imaginations.

They have dedicated themself to providing relief to the immense need for positive visual representation of Black Queer & Trans people and to keeping the flames of Queer Afrofuturism alive and burning high.

The Futures Love Us Back - The Futures Love Us Back is a video-installation about growing up in the netherlands, experiencing Diasporic Discomfort and finding Joy through Imagination. The artwork showcases the importance of Queer Afrofuturism and how it can be used to Heal from this white supremacist World. The film acknowledges and plays with the huge impact technology has and will have on our lives by displaying Archived Pasts, Presents and Futures.
dey Dream - dey Dream is a manifestation of an Afropean Freedom Dream, a visual poem that showcases Black Trans masculine Joy. We invite you into a Dreamlike world by showing a peek into the lives of two Afrodiasporic beings living in rotterdam who are learning all the ways in which they can practice Waywardness to make space for Love. Our film taps into different kinds of intimacy, the search for likeminded minds and how to find safety in togetherness.
peaceful in a Black world - peaceful in a Black world is a triptych collage inspired by the feeling that colonialism, white supremacy and continuous exploitation have robbed Black and Afrodiasporic people from the power of Imagination. We need to be able to reclaim this space of Pleasure, Healing and Joy and the artwork attempts to facilitate this Space for Dreams about better Worlds. I believe that we can shift our perception of the Now by radically Imagining a Future full of Positivity, Love and Peace.
flowers, Now. - flowers, Now. is an installation motivated by the scarcity of positive visual representation of Black people in the current photography World. the Altar reclaims religious and spiritual Space by combining photos portraying Black people in Joyful states with offerings such as dried flowers, candles and seashells. I believe that, as important as honouring and remembering our Ancestors is, we must remember to value the people that are living at the same Time as us. to not only bring flowers to gravesites, but to appreciate our loved ones and to offer them flowers, Now.
peaceful in a pink world - peaceful in a pink world is a project that shows one experience of what it’s like to be surrounded by Queer people. A lot of Queer people resort to the internet to find a place with likeminded people, this installation shows that there’s community to be found in the offline world too. The artwork consists of a 360 degree video playing on a VR headset, surrounded by over a hundred analog photos of my Queer communities at the Time.
Period. - Period. is an ongoing self portraiture series which I have been doing since 2017 and will probably only stop when I stop bleeding.
Yearbooks - I started using and filling this collection of yearbooks in 2018 (currently on number 5) and will continue to use them for the rest of my Life. They are a private, personal way of creating Art and Healing by process. The books consist of many collages, writing, drawings and found items.

IFFR Young Selectors - dey Dream

Locatie: KINO Rotterdam

Daniella's Guest Book Movie Night - dey Dream

Locatie: Neuehouse

I Am God I Am Nothing - Sara Magnus


The Bush Films - dey Dream

Locatie: The Bush Films

Los Angles Collective - dey Dream

Locatie: Kanaal 40

Steenbergen Stipendium - The Futures Love Us Back

Locatie: Nederlands Fotomuseum

Graduation Show - The Futures Love Us Back

Locatie: Melkweg Expo

Graduation Show - The Futures Love Us Back

Locatie: Willem de Kooning Academie

Period Exhibition by Sekai Makoni - Period.

Locatie: S/ash Gallery

Alien Mag - Verhalen: Songül Karacaer


Artists of Colour - Period.

Locatie: Kunstpodium T

On Collective Care & Togetherness - peaceful in a Black world

Locatie: Showroom MAMA

KLAUW Magazine - Art-icle: Beautiful Palettes of Colour


Making (A) Public - peaceful in a pink world

Locatie: SodaFabriek
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