Nael Quraishi is an artist who lives and works between Rotterdam and Karachi. Having grown up in both Pakistan and the UK, the roots of his practice lay deeply within childhood recollections and memories of space and place. Working mainly with photo and video, Quraishi casts a subtle yet sharp light on the individual and collective experience of nostalgia, displacement and (be)longing, highlighting its lasting affect on everyday life.
Het Nederlands Fotomuseum wil midden in de samenleving staan. Als nationale schatkist en toonzaal verzamelt en exposeert het museum fotografie die reflecteert op de wereld en adresseert het onderwerpen die urgent zijn. Daarom maken we nu middels de tentoonstelling Verbeelding werk van het begrip ‘Nederlandse Fotografie’: wie vertegenwoordigt wie in de samenleving en in de fotografie?
Generation Z: on the verge of a new alphabet
GENERATION Z, the 27th edition of the Noorderlicht International Photo Festival, is about the youngest generation of world citizens, born after 1995. What is their place in society, how do they see their future, what are their ambitions? By tapping into the hopes and fears of Generation Z, Noorderlicht aims to provide insight into their young adult world. A sharp selection has been made for the festival, that shows a generation focusing on fundamental emancipation processes.