Thomas Sadée

textiel, schilderen, Experimenteel, Artistiek onderzoek

It’s a mash.
Imagery and Moving shapes on a canvas.
Abstract or figurative, painted or printed, doesn’t really seem to matter anymore.
The certain rules/ characteristics /boundaries connected to the medium of painting.
Think about the one-sided approach, the square of the canvas or the analogue attitude.
These for me are a starting point of a dance with the medium.
I challenge these constraints, play with them.
It’s the role of the jester.
We look to the rules and play with them.
Make fun of them.
Poking, prodding, swirling around.
A jump here and summersault there.
But always do this in front of the subject itself.
In this case painting.
It's a role that involves a precarious balancing of freedom and constraint.
It's also not a new role.
Painting has always been challenged by artists to define its characteristics.
Never to ridicule painting.
It’s a homage.

Rolling through the pain - t?sets of wooden wheels? in iron bicycle stands? different sizes? acrylic paint on wood? Pictures by Steven Maybury 2022?
Don’t shoot the messenger? - 190cmx150cm ? acrylic paint on printed flag 2022? Pictures by Steven Maybury
Don’t shoot the messenger? (the comet is coming)? - 130cmx110cm ? acrylic paint on printed flag 2022 Pictures by Steven Maybury
Permanent working title - 3 flags 200x100cm acrylic paint on printed flags 200x100cm acrylic paint with alcohol ink on plastic sheed 210x145cm acrylic paint on canvas flagpole 140cm acrylic paint on canvas 2021 Pictures by Steven Maybury
As I said before, I never repeat myself - 110cmx 90cm acrylic paint on printed fabric 2021 Pictures by Steven Maybury
Save trees eat a beaver - 190cmx160cm acrylic paint on printed fabric 2021 Pictures by Steven Maybury
Partly cloudy - 5 flags 200cmx100cm acrylic paint on printed flags flagpole 140cm 2020
Mostly clear - 5 flags 100cmx70cm acrylic paint on printed flags flagpole different lengts 2020
Light rain & Intermittent clouds - in the front: Light rain two sided painting 210cmx145cm acrylic paint on canvas hanging with iron strings from the ceiling 2020 in the back: Intermittent clouds two sided painting 210cmx165cm acrylic paint on canvas hanging with iron strings from the ceiling 2020
The image is alive - Print on PVC sheed, acrylic paint on canvas and tyraps 450cmx400cm 2019

Summer Sun

Locatie: Paleizenstraat 116
In samenwerking met: Former

Expositie samen met Marina Padadaki en Naama Roth

Deze kunstenaar heeft nog geen toekenningen.