Twan Lugten

wetenschap & techniek, schrijven, schilderen, performance, installatie

"To be and to become: a point of departure.
I don’t know what lies behind the veil/the skin/the ?screen? but I am drawn towards it.
I long for something deep and dark.
The beginning after the end, you know.


This thing needs time and a lot more work.
And when I get the feeling it fights back, I know something is present.
This I cannot ignore.
This is the time to let go."

Twan Lugten works across multiple disciplines. He explores the construction of selves and worlds, and anxious complexities of current times and technologies.

Twan Lugten graduated cum laude from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in 2022 in Unstable Media. Next to his artistic practice, he works as a medical doctor.

2023_study[esch.gen#1] - Studie. Mixed media op kunststof en hout.
2023_ftsttg[x.0] - multi-media installatie, Artwell Residencies Amsterdam Bijlmer
2023_ftsttg[x.0] - multi-media installatie, Artwell Residencies Amsterdam Bijlmer
2022_ftstt[g4.0] - audioperformance - zang en samples o.a. uitgevoerd bij Brutus, Rotterdam; Rietveld Academie afstudeershow; Fiber Swamp, Boo2 Amsterdam
2022_ftsttg[prequel] - overzichtsfoto [1] van afstudeerinstallatie
2022_ftsttg[prequel] - deel van installatie
2022_ftsttg[prequel] - deel van installatie
2022_THESIS - Meerdere teksten geschreven vanuit meerdere personages, gepresenteerd op bewerkte multimediaspeler. Afstudeerscriptie.
2021__TIRTH. - Site - specific multi media installatie, Thomaskerk, Zeist.
2020_ftsttg[1.0] - hedendaags audiospel o.a. verkrijgbaar bij 3345, Den Haag grafisch design door Rik Laging

Resident, Artwell Residencies - Amsterdam

In samenwerking met: Artwell

Residency program for alumni of the following academies; Gerrit Rietveld Amsterdam, KASKA Antwerp and La Cambre Brussels.

Graduation Gerrit Rietveld Academie


Gerrit Rietveld Academie Graduation show.

Openingsperformance and exhibition at 'Brutus Wild Summer of Art [2]'

In samenwerking met: Brutus

Openingsperformance for Brutus' Wild Summer of Art



Site specific multimedia installation in the former Thomaskerk, Zeist NL