Yvonne Bronner

installatie, beeldhouwen

Through art I try to come closer to the world and to myself.
My process is a dialogue with myself and the world, it is a conversation between feelings, thoughts, observations, bodies and different materials and techniques.
Every work or process is an encountering between inside and outside, between soul and surface, reality and interpretation, between thinking and feeling.
Making is important in this process but more important is experiencing, that is why I started to move my focus to performative and participating forms of art in the past year.
In the future, I would like to collaborate with other artists and the audience.

`no title` - plaster, tiles, sheepskin, silicone 2018
Drawings 2018-2020
to wear myself - Dress, backpack, hat & shoes, made out of a selfportrait on canvas 2021
to reconcile my differences - `to reconcile my differences´ was a five hour performance, open for participation from everyone, which was part of an exhibition called „what about making space“ in September 2021 in our collective studio `de kerk´. Seperating grains of rice in silence, listening to my own thoughts, feelings, trying to look inside, writing down a `good´ and a `bad´ thought/feeling, with every finished little pile. I wanted to experience what the ,simple but motorically quite difficult , action of seperating the grains, one by one, for hours would do to me. I wanted to create the time and the space to meet myself with all my different and often contradicting thoughts, feelings, judgements and expectations about myself and others. To open this performance up for participation was a very interessting ex- perience. As it revolved around the solitary practice to look inside your- self. Can you share solitude without losing it?
to reconcile my differences - September 2021
aarde/erde - A project about co-creation and shared artistic research with yvonne bronner, Simone van der Meer and Villa Zebra. In the project `aarde/erde´ we wanted to know what would happen if we shared the artistic research process with children and other visitors of the museum. Not giving the visitors work to look at, but rather creating those works of art together and get inspired by each other. Sometimes these works of art were only temporary but we also made works of art that stayed there for the next visitor to be inspired by. A heap of soil was the starting point of this artistic research. Only this, a completely white space around it and a overhead projector. We would start together as a group with a collective encounter of the soil, in a way that was focused on the senses. Feeling the soil with different parts of the body (feet/hands/face), smelling, listening etc. From this experience, we decided together how we wanted to proceed, sometimes as a group, sometimes individually. Embodiment and dialogue where key elements in this co-creative process. In the end we had a complete exhibition with works of art we created together and made a small book with the works of art. 2022
aarde/erde - A project about co-creation and shared artistic research with yvonne bronner, Simone van der Meer and Villa Zebra 2022


Locatie: Villa Zebra
In samenwerking met: Villa Zebra, Simone van der Meer

In the project `aarde/erde´ we wanted to know what would happen if we shared the artistic research process with children and other visitors of the museum. Not giving the visitors work to look at, but rather creating those works of art together and get inspired by each other. Sometimes these works of art where only temporary but we also made works of art that stayed there for the next visitor to be inspired by. A heap of soil was the starting point of this artistic research. Only

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