Tentoonstelling | You Me You

Neck of the Woods (NotW) is a project and gallery space where a variety of Rotterdam artists and designers can present their work. From 11 February presents notTW an alternative to the recently relocated Art Rotterdam Week. This exhibition focuses on social connections in the art scene. See work by, among others, Olaf Mooij, Paul Vinken, Benjamin Schoones, Age Hartsuiker, Johannes Steendam, Greet Billet and Stefan Yordanov.

Initiator Johannes Steendam came into contact with all participating artists in some way. Via via, on the periphery of the Rotterdam art scene, during visits to exhibitions and galleries or on social media. Some of the artists already know each other, others are still strangers to each other. There is also work by artists suggested by other participants but unknown to The Neck of the Woods. In short, an exhibition curated on the basis of the connection.

Address: Heer Bokelweg 157, Rotterdam

This project is partly realized thanks to a contribution from the scheme artistic activities in the city† With this contribution, CBK Rotterdam wants to use visual art to make the city more attractive and to give Rotterdam visual artists a role in it, thereby increasing their visibility.