Funda Baysal

artistiek onderzoek - keramiek - cross-over - digitale technologie - community

Observations of daily life and inner sensations are an essential part of my artistic process. In my practice, I make solid forms that come into existence using different materials and material combinations. The choice of tools, chemicals, and heat are crucial elements all coming together through a combination of craft-knowledge and creative experimentation.

Ceramics in D minor - 23 variation of La Folia
Timely, on time - I use my technique in ceramics to process internal conversations and assemble memories into a narrative. This method symbolizes my grandmother's lifestyle, particularly the farm and garden she invested in and harvested, which operated outside the realm of capitalism. Timely on Time is like a puzzled ceramic sculpture, comprising numerous pieces reminiscent of my memories, collectively forming a voluminous representation that accentuates balance. I named my work "Timely, On Time," inspired by my grandmothers' reminders for me to return promptly. For their generation, there's a clear distinction between predetermined actions and those guided by manners or ethics. They couldn't articulate the underlying common sense and ethical importance of being timely but they transmit it in other ways. My Oma Exhibition, Kunstinstituut Melly
Ceramics in D minor - 12th variation of La Folia I provided my printer with a misaligned drawing, using different Z heights. The absence of a sensor meant the machine had no guidance, except for the given commands. It seemed to be 'printing in thin air' until a precarious stack of material had accumulated. This may sound implausible, as it demanded control over mass distribution to prevent structural sinking or deformation during the process, it ultimately resulted in a body of work. However, it came at the cost of significant loss of notations.
PCB gardens - PCB Gardens embodied the vision of harmoniously blending the man-made world of electronics, and search of nature. Inspiring people to reconnect with the environment in this age of smart things and constant connectivity, and programmability. Amid the sprawling garden, a fascinating contrast unfolded. While the garden celebrated the fusion of technology and nature, it also revealed a duality in human desires. Garden grown bigger wilder and the gardener desired it smaller and smaller.
1 strawberry = 1 story - We are 4 artists working together with WIjkcollectie, in this project from our market stall we don't sell fruit and vegetables, we exchange ceramic strawberries for a story!
Of Concern l - “Artists create opportunities for the community – individuals, businesses, social service groups to come together through different cultural experiences and informally build a stronger bond with one other, they make the neighborhood livelier. In return, the neighborhood gives the diversity of the arts.” * - Jan Cohen-Cruz in Remapping Performance Common Ground, Uncommon Partners. Public artwork, ceramic, resin table handcrafted 17 West Rotterdam houses from the street of the stories collected.
GEN C: CHILDREN OF 2050, Folkfarma kid, medicine pot. - ''Folkfarma Kids are descendants of indigenous people that, after centuries of oppression, have reclaimed their rights to their land. They view nature as part of their well-being and share their indigenous knowledge with others. Naturally, they generate energy from the soil and make their medicine with local flora. Having lived through ecological disasters and political strife, they are comfortable navigating uncertainty and the complex nature of life. Folkfarma kids are generally self-sufficient, down-to-earth, and wise beyond their years.'' Interdisciplinary collaboration with Bianca Carague.
Pasta Letters - When you run out of choices We have a responsibility as potter-crafts (wo)men to remain focused committed and aware of the principles required to make honest work. Because temptation for all of us no matter what path we are on to worry about security. The commitment and the ideology are easy to compromise. Art is on any level keeping yourself alive in this culture and keeping true to your work and redefining again and again. This is a huge challenge! I am always reassessing what enough is? Along the way to becoming a ceramist, I will be doing many works. I believe many artists call themselves poor. I think poverty is not of choice. When you run out of choices you are poor.  Most of my artist friends and I had a lot of choices. The reward for an authentic life is authenticity, it's not economic.
To look out to lock in - I stink, we all stink in solidarity. "We are sharers, not owners. We are not prosperous. None of us is rich. None of us is powerful. If it is Anarres you want, if it is the future you seek, then I tell you that you must come to it with empty hands. You must come to it alone, and naked, as the child comes into the world, into his future, without any past, without any property, wholly dependent on other people for his life. You cannot take what you have not given, and you must give yourself. You cannot buy the Revolution. You cannot make the Revolution. You can only be the Revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.” The aim of this work is creating a collaborative project with solidarity and contribution by annihilating domination and hierarchy. Establishing a bond between the utopia of Le Guin, our journey of existence and the social responsibilities for society. - We can save each other or ourselves... - I want solidarity - human solidarity - I want free exchange between. Which world would be the Utopian world - Although Anarres has a strong brotherhood, they are closed minded and isolated. Urras is beautiful, but their laws and people are violent. - They had no relation to the things but that of possession. - to make a thief, make an owner - to create crime, create laws - The Social Organism