Heyer Thurnheer

fotografie - installatie - objecten - performance - publicatie - sociaal-maatschappelijk - tekenen - video

Contextual Art, which started after the 1980s, resists like Fluxus - which began in the 1960s as an international network of artists, composers, and designers - the categorization as an art movement, collective, or group. It also contradicts traditional geographical, chronological and medium-based approaches. Instead, Contextual Art participants like Thurnheer, like Fluxus-Artists, practice a “do-it-yourself” approach, relating to activities of everyday life and to the viewers’ experiences. Offering a fresh assessment and attitude, these works and installations are designed to encourage cultural exchange and multiple discourse about our own (the world’s citizens) position in regards to the global and focus key themes of the evidence of human existence.
As art production, Contextual Art distinguishes itself by emphasizing art’s historical, cultural, and social contexts, with experimentation and interpretation as integral parts for the societal program of self-design.

Heyer Thurnheer - Remarks on the work : Thurnheer’s visual work owes much of its inspiration to a semi-nomadic way of life, which takes place between various destinations in Switzerland and Rotterdam in the Netherlands. While passing through Switzerland, the Corona Lockdown in April put him on the spot, mainly with friends in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland and occasionally in Lucerne. The Corona ciphers were created during these weeks of isolation and this mode of being thrown back on oneself, which we all experienced ourselves. They record in a cipher-like abbreviated form the timeless sequence of days of the week, the names of the places where he stayed or the friends who hosted him, as well as the activities and events of the day. Place: Museum1, Lucern-Adligenswil, Switzerland
Heyer Thurnheer - ( in Wikipedia contextual Art is discussed as socially contextualized art movement )
Heyer Thurnheer - Call for societal empowerment of the masses for an ethical individualism 2 and another modernism
Heyer Thurnheer - printed photos, text fragments, cardboard, packaging papers of a department store, cloth tape, ink, letterset (times). (Refers to the history of the artist run space Atelier Berzona and its self-forming strategies 1988-2003)
Heyer Thurnheer - audience as performers within a corridor-installation of 42m length including 240 paint- and number-boards, 20 devices, objects and wall- drawings Refering to concepts of object- and subject-perception and of potentiality in the forming-processes of consciousness in a mans decade of life
Heyer Thurnheer - Reference to Aristoteles societal studies and his discourse about differences between popular and philosophically directed ideas
Heyer Thurnheer - Book-object, processual-drawings, taped textpieces, videos // Early form of societal research piece that refers to psalmic text tradition