Sara Rajaei

experimenteel - video - film - tekenen - artistiek onderzoek

My oeuvre consists mainly of short films and video installations that study the notion of time in all variations and subsets. My work discusses the passage of time concerning historical incidents, human tragedies, and catastrophes from the standpoint of the witnesses or victims, reflecting on their observations, recollections, and memories; questioning, doubting, and reconstructing the events. Their narratives are, therefore, tangible, untainted, and highly personal. Today more than ever, our perception and observation of the world depend on the short headlines that we absorb without enough attention or affection. Oral history, in this regard, becomes a significant source, presenting not only an actual incident but a story to which one can connect, a story often therapeutic, both for the teller and the listener.

The Headless Trees (in development) - Feature Film, Produced by near/by film, seriousFilm, Alambic Production & Ladybirds Films Supported by NL Filmfonds, Mondriaan Fund, DKC Rotterdam
City of Poets - 2024, Short Film, Produced by near/by film, Supported by NL Filmfonds, Mondriaan Fonds, DKC Rotterdam, VevamFonds, Het Cultuurfonds/Tijlfonds,
yet another leap year - 2022, Single Channel Video Installation, Supported by CBK Rotterdam & Het Cultuurfonds/Tijlfonds
A Composition in Blue, Red & Other Colors (2017) - Single Channel Video Installation, Color, Sound, Duration 15':30"
The Motel in the Well (2016) - Short Film, Made in Collaboration with Neva Lukic, Color, Sound, Duration 23'
1978 the 231st day (2012) - Single Channel Video Installation, Black & White, Sound, Duration 6':30"
A Leap Year That Started on a Friday (2010) - Single Channel Video Installation, Color, Sound, Duration 6':30"
Shahrzad (2009) - Documentary, Color, Sound, Duration 25'
Charismatic Fates & Vanishing Dates (2006) - Single Channel Video Installation, Color, Sound, Duration 3':20"
A Day Of Amnesia (2004) - Single Channel Video Installation, Color, Sound, Duration 5':40"