Angeniet Berkers


With my projects I want to depict sensitive subjects in an honest and nuanced way. The images are often sensitive and melancholic, but at the same time warm and intimate. My background in mental health care (I worked for about 13 years as a sociotherapist and counseled, among others, veterans and refugees with complex PTSD due to war and violence and young people with acute psychiatric problems) is reflected in the choice of subject and working methods. I often combine different visual forms and 'languages' to translate a complex story into an understandable and empathetic whole. With my work I try to get a grip on the extremities of today's society by initiating projects that play with the viewer's frame of reference and make them think about their own (sometimes biased) ideas. I often choose subjects that are not or hardly discussed because of shame and guilt, so I try to break through taboos. Above all I look for depth, content and nuance.