
abstract - experimental - environment - painting - spirituality

In Brighart's expressionist paintings themes such as: Joy, Energy, Neutrinos, Higgs particles, Energy sources and Movements in the universe emerge.
In her paintings she tries to depict the non-visible world in an abstract visual language. She is inspired by theoretical physics. Brighart studied quantum mechanics and string theory. She is inspired by Sir Karl Popper and his statement: 'Optimism is a moral duty' (1993).
Red, orange and yellow are common in Brighart's abstract colorful paintings.

Diversity Dove 2022 - Vrede vrijheid en gelijkheid 2022
movements 2021 - movements 2021 150 cm x 150 cm
amor fati 2021 150cm x150cm - amor fati
Into the nature 2 - Gemaakt in het project the colourfield performance in Elst 2021 Parl Lingezegen
ontmoeting - 90 x90 cm
covid collection “distant flower - Kleine schilderijtjes geschilderd in 2021 (covid time) 18 x 13cm
for your eyes only - 2019 ,80cm x 80 cm ,acryl
individuen higgs - 2018 acryl 1m x 1m
geluk en vrijheid 2021 - 120 x120