Daphne Simons

audiovisual - film - collaboration - sculpture

Daphne Simons works with sculpture, moving-image, and collaboration. These forms allow her to expand the potential of what she calls “surRidiculism”. Recent projects include exhibiting at Growing Space (NL); WET Film (NL) with Josie Perry; co-producing "PLASMA FREEZE: Making Friends" with Josie Perry; performing at TWENTY ONE, Southend-on-Sea (UK); Location Z, The Hague (NL), and performing at LaVallée, Brussels (BE) with Yanik Soland. She has undertaken artist residencies at Kunsthuis SYB, Friesland (NL), WASSAIC, New York (USA) with Li-Ming Hu, and Enjoy Contemporary Art Space, Wellington (NZ) with Li-Ming Hu. Previously she has exhibited at The Physics Room, Christchurch (NZ), The Blue Oyster, Dunedin (NZ), Artspace, Auckland (NZ), and co-organised “Canapé Canopy” with Mark O'Donnell, Auckland (NZ).