Dion Soethoudt

artistic research - conceptual - design - objects - performance

I am Dion Soethoudt, a conceptual designer. In my work I combine multi-disciplinary design methods such as illustration, installation and speculative research. I often explore new techniques or materials.

My bi-racial upbringing opened up a freedom to express and create things that might be considered unorthodox, but I can get away with it. It has shaped a unique and deviant way of thinking which often results in humor. Humor is like a tickling. It can function as an agent to push boundaries and challenges the idea of ​​norms and values. My work dwells within the tension field between comedy and tragedy. Within this spectrum nothing is sacred.

'Living productivity' is the working title for everything I do. I strive to make the simple 'act of being' a full-time usable product. Therefore I search for productivity in the absurd, illogic and bizarre details of the mundane.