Esmee van Zeeventer

film - photography - installation - video

As a child, my parents divorced and from then on we moved every so often
year. I didn't know my 'home' and from an early age I started my memories
to distrust. Thinking back to the houses I've lived in, the... fades away
color of the curtain, the floor plan of the house, the light, the sofa - was actually there
wallpaper? Convinced of a memory, I tell my brothers about that one
times, until they interrupt me and tell me that I wasn't born yet.
When I got my first camera, that's when I started everything
to capture. Fascinated by the 'promise' of technology: one that is reality
can immortalize. That reality, or the questioning of that reality, is for
still relevant to me ten years later and present in my artistic practice. What
was real, what happened, what didn't. I try the limits of the medium
and thus question the way we perceive