Janine Schrijver

audiovisual - photography - nature - collaboration - social

Photography is a means with which I investigate the relationship between people and their complex living environment. The camera as an instrument to look outward in order to reflect inward. My photo depicts the human desire for contact. Connection with yourself, each other and your environment, but also the connection with different disciplines and knowledge systems. Using photography as a research method to connect experiential knowledge with scientific knowledge. All my projects are characterized by their investigative and participatory character, not about the other but with the other, where photography is sometimes a means and other times the goal, in order to arrive at new insights together.

Imitate a tree!
Imitate a tree!
Imitate a tree!
Imitate a tree!
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Into Our Nature
Into Our Nature
Into Our Nature
Into Our Nature - Het park heeft mij niet meer losgelaten sinds het project Our Nature waarin ik de betekenis van het stadpark onderzocht heb. Ik ben mij verder gaan verdiepen in ‘onze natuur’. Wat geeft het ons en wat is onze natuur. Met die vraag in mijn achterhoofd ontmoete ik de tai-chi er, de wandelaars, de Poolse ‘sjamaan’, de hondenbezitters en de bomenknuffelaar. Hun verhalen ben ik gaan opnemen in beeld en geluid.