Koen van Rijn

sculpture - communication - conceptual - experimental - photography - installation - land art - objects - environment - public space - collaboration - sculpture - urban

Koen van Rijn (1993) is a photographer & art director.
He presents the authenticity and the absurdity of everyday life and the range of human behavior. His work responds to society and situations, often these are framed examples that would go unnoticed in their original context

Building Walls. (graduation work)


  • 01-04-2020 t/m 17-07-2020
  • In collaboration with: -
  • Location: Rotterdam, Rotterdam
  • By copying / recontextualizing materials and objects from the municipality, it is possible to place something in public space. This creates confusion as to whether or not it should be. I therefore posed as a project leader to place a "wall" in public space. In this way, the municipality thinks it "belongs" and I provide a wall where autonomous street art can be applied without the artist knowing that it is an art installation I created.
  • https://koenvanrijn.com/buildingwalls

Framed Rules (Minor)


  • 21-11-2019
  • In collaboration with: -
  • Location: Rotterdam, Rotterdam
  • Framed Rules is an art installation in public space, placed on November 21, 2019 in the Museumpark in Rotterdam. I copied a board design from the government and changed the context to inform the viewer about the rules that art in the public space must comply with. The art-work Framed Rules is a work of art that deals with art in public spaces to reflect on art in public spaces.
  • https://koenvanrijn.com/Framed-Rules