Linda Muysson

photography - nature - artistic research - Light

A large part of my autonomous work consists of landscapes. Shooting this is all about waiting for the right moment, when everything falls into place. I create a memento mori for a passing moment. The light changes, plants grow or die, mountains erode. A landscape can be a character in itself; waiting for a story, an extra that walks by or a storm that arises. It has a life before, after and during the photo and is a reflection of my own mood and emotion. I also like to photograph the human body, approached as a landscape. A search for fragility, emotionality and vulnerability.

An important focus in my work is on the nuances between light and shadow. Black-and-white photography in particular invites you to search for endless shades between light and dark, white and black. The analog aspect gives me peace of mind when making images. The absence of direct result allows for a more meditative and contemplative approach to the subject.