Marta Hryniuk

video - movie

In my work I use moving image to assemble fragmentary portraits of people, communities and places, exploring the affective textures of their lives. I am attentive to the histories that have shaped them, complicating them where possible and resisting linear timelines. My practice evolves in dialogue with other artists and film-makers, and I now frequently collaborate rather than working individually. I often work with female subjects and biographies, especially those shaped by experiences of displacement. I am interested in the complicated entanglements of eastern European countries, and their diasporas, something which has become more acute since moving away from Poland myself in 2016. I want to know what can be learned and reclaimed from these histories and narratives, and how they shape people's intersubjective experiences. My dual perspective - as both insider and outsider - has enabled me to see these narratives as a part of a shared political space, and as a catalyst for imagining alternative ways of living and working together.