Marta Wörner Sarabia

abstract - artistic research - crossover - experimental - body - performance - writing

I am a movement artist who works with expanded choreography as a medium.
As an artist, I aim to create vocabularies that entail a transdisciplinary language.
My practice relays on principles like collaboration, experimentation and translation.

My research revolves around the sensorial experience of space as a means to activate philosophical and epistemological knowledge.
In my artworks, I build ephemeral questions that unfold the physical relationship between the inner body and outer space. I play, invert, twist and stretch that relationship.

My artworks fall into various categories of art media such as site-specific movement performances, choreographic DJ sets, installations, choreographic films and booklets.

My work resonates with thematics like the underpinning violence that endures the functioning of Western societies.
That theme often unfolds in my pieces through the visual juxtaposition of the vulnerable, ephemeral and malleable nature of the human body with the robust, lasting and rigid nature of architectural structures.