Marvin Lalihatu

audiovisual - decolonization - Diaspora - sound - installation - LGBTI+

Animistic Beliefs invents a new creole (musical) language to create rousing hybrids, with a fresh perspective that is both deeply personal and political. Animism is the idea of ​​indigenous belief systems that all objects, beings and places possess a spiritual essence. Pre-colonial thoughts, traditions and music related to Linh's Vietnamese-Chinese descent are important sources of inspiration and tools through which she explores her experience as a queer POC in the Netherlands. Linh and Marvin Lalihatu are always looking beyond music and expanding their work into new media art. Their avant-garde audiovisual project CACHE/SPIRIT with multimedia and performance artist Jeisson Drenth is the latest product of their expansive artistic direction. Driven by tireless technical, historical and emotional research, Animistic Beliefs is an art project in constant evolution.