Nami Kim

artistic research - design

Nami Kim is a Rotterdam-based web publisher who attempts to bring more human aspects such as sentiments and emotions into the digital culture, especiall the web context. Every few week she is publishing an essay and a web experiment on her publishing platform 'User Sentimental eXperience'. Through this continual practice, she explores the realm of potential experimental web publishing, questioning the current digital interface culture. She believes that the user experience, which is a pervasive design term, should be more comprehensively explored, not just being understood an efficiency-oriented design mechanism. Her question ultimately lies on understanding and expanding the user agency and autonomy in the digital culture. She also embraces the value of collaboration with other artists and designers during the process of enriching her practice.

User Sentimantal eXperience


  • 12-05-2022
  • Location:, Rotterdam
  • User Sentimental eXperience is a continual web publishing project, questioning the notion of user experience on the digital culture, especially web design industry. The project is rooted from the artist's regret about the narrow interpretation on user interface and experience.


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