Raffia Li

artistic research - community - body - performance - installation

Raffia Li (TA/they/she), works with poetry melting in minor edges/senses, in forms of performances, videos or installations. In their research, they explore the physicality of words and languages ​​as actions/rituals/sites, to sense the gaps/gates under the signs, break the hegemonic speaking/written words, nurture/hold the in-between meanings and remake the poetic space or relations.

Their art practice is deeply influenced by poetry, theater of the oppressed, reading of Zhuangzi, their field research about Asian shadow puppetry, learning experience of being in a sign language art collective Shape of Language, diary/letter exchanges with friends, their MA study at Dutch Art Institute, observations of their dreaming state, and the river near Grandma 芹's yard. Their individual and collaborated projects have been presented in Today Art Museum, Guangdong Times Museum, Wuzhen Theater Festival, Art Institute Melly, Museum Tinguely, Gasworks, Center Pompidou, and others.