Ron Blom

audiovisual - community - conceptual - installation - mural

'art provides tools and materials to learn to think for yourself'

I am a philosophizing artist with a 'social practice'. I work as a city improver and
video maker. My oeuvre has an ethical and socially engaged dimension.
My projects, films and exhibitions move on the edge of art and
life, because they have a distinct social component.
Much of my work is aimed at creating or researching public space, living and working in the city.

As a city improver I work with video, art and media to make an active contribution to developments in the city. I connect the knowledge and insights of my architecture and urban design education with my experience and current activities as an artist / filmmaker.
My work takes place in the public space, on the street, websites and local
television or as part of a thematic, cultural program.
Only rarely is it presented in traditional art spaces.