Sam Janssen

conceptual - digital technology - experimental - installation - interactive - Light - media - objects - sculpture

NL: My work delves into the digital realm and transforms it into sculptures and installations that blur the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds. I remodel everyday objects and challenge perceptions of the impact of technology on our lives. My art encourages reflection on our evolving reality in a technology-driven world. Ultimately, I invite viewers to reconsider their position in a rapidly changing technological landscape through my work.

ENG: My work delves into the digital realm, transforming it into sculptures and installations that blur the line between physical and virtual worlds. I reshape everyday objects, challenging perceptions of technology's impact on our lives. My art prompts reflection on our evolving reality in a tech-driven world, aiming to spark conversations about our relationship with technology and its influence on us. Ultimately, I invite viewers to reconsider their place in a rapidly evolving technological landscape through my art.