Simon Schrikker

painting - sculpting - figurative - installation - mural

"My work has one binding factor: seeking out the boundary between the figuration and the material. Sometimes this happens literally, with the thick layers of oil paint creeping outside the frame of the painting canvas like a slowly advancing lava flow, sometimes more figuratively or associatively through the alienating atmosphere in my watercolors, animations, murals and recently sculptures. With my work I want to appeal to the viewer. What do I see? What happens literally and what is filled in on a psychological level? When does the image transcend itself and does the meaning deeper, i.e. when does it become necessary to be seen? When I translate my fascinations into paint, the work floats on emotions and instinct like fear and power and the clichés that cling to them; subconsciously and consciously mixed into a cohesive mush"

Simon Schrikker (Utrecht 1973) is a true painter. He studied at the Minerva Academy in Groningen, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent and the Dutch Art Institute (MFA).