Sonja van Dolron

painting - drawing - photography - social

I'm a seasoned viewer. Look better, look further is my motto. I guess beauty everywhere. Especially right in front of my feet.

Glitter and shine, sensation and entertainment, flashing colors and neon lights: in our world people frantically try to create 'beauty'. A thin layer of clean shine. For me, the beauty lies in the details of everyday places and events.

Objects that fulfill a functional task, objects that are not intended to satisfy our senses, play the leading role in my photos: Bricks, electricity houses, parking lots or road markings. To the casual observer, these 'sidekicks' around us are 'merely' functional.

When I look I try to see paint. In thin or thick layers. Grayed and discolored. I look for rhythm and rhyme, in lines and shapes. I am looking for a crop that alienates the image. Eventually I see a space and think about what I want to leave out or exaggerate. It's beautiful where you are.


May '24


Sonja van Dolron


Jun '24


Sonja van Dolron