Yoshinari Nishiki

artistic research - digital technology - ecology - economics

Nishiki is essentially a barefoot practitioner who only spent a year in formal education in his entire adulthood. While being based at Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (FACT) in Liverpool (2011-2012), Nishiki made a portal to a more just world where "good" people were financially treated better. After obtaining a masters degree from the Center for Cultural Studies (CCS), a department that formerly existed at Goldsmiths, University of London (2013-2014), Nishiki began to be based at an Augmented Reality laboratory in the middle of a mountain (IMDLAB @NAIST, 2015-2016). There, he made a webapp in which money circulated by people dropping and picking up digital coins on the street (prior to Pokémon GO). This project took Nishiki to Rotterdam, at a summer residency at V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media during which he connected his coins with free ice creams in the city. After relocating to the Netherlands, Nishiki worked on various projects tweaking supply chains and logistics systems with collaborators from TU Delft.