Fabienne Hendriks

community - conceptual - education - people - environment - performance - process - cooperation - social

Fabienne Hendriks (1996) uses her artistic practice as an opening to reflect with whom and in which space she shares her life. She designs situations where she can make herself vulnerable and give something to the other.

What she wants to grab from her own life are the relationships that she experiences as inspiring and intense. Every relationship is different and worth exploring. Therefore, several studies are running concurrently. Hendriks works intuitively and associatively, which means that she does not regard any work as definitive or finite. Moreover, the media in the visual arts are an endless source of inspiration for her. After all, each medium brings with it a different meaning, which makes her wonder what meaning she is looking for exactly.

Hendriks' visual work always starts with creating an activating situation. From this position she starts working with the input she receives from her environment, after which the search for the right medium begins. She experiments with that.

Clothes in the classroom


  • 01-09-2017 t/m 31-07-2018
  • Location: Montfort College, Rotterdam
  • The relationship between people is partly determined by the clothes they wear. That is why I decided to respond through my clothing to the contact moments that I see my students in secondary education. This response started with combining different garments/clothing styles/fits. Then I selected a number of items and embroidered texts and the names of my mentor class on them. As a final I performed a performance in the classroom in which I emphasized my layers of clothing.
  • https://www.fhendriks.com/beeldendwerk

you taught me that


  • 04-01-2021 t/m 15-07-2021
  • Location: Laurens Lyceum, Rotterdam
  • From the Christmas holidays to the summer holidays I became a mentor of 21hd in school year 22-4. My mentor students are teenagers in times of a pandemic, which brings many challenges. Due to lockdowns, there was almost no group feeling in the class and I thought that was a shame, because we need each other to be able to grow. To emphasize this, I made a card for everyone with their golden link and wrote a text on the back that I read to the class.
  • https://www.fhendriks.com/beeldendwerk