Bruno Decc

audiovisueel - schrijven - tekenen

The great lesson of the 20th century is contained in Hannah Arendt's statement "Going along with the rest and wanting to say 'we' were quite enough to make the greatest of all crimes possible." The Western, individualized world has picked up on that, shunning away from unifying ideologies and not trusting societal regulators, fearing being led again into oppressive regimes like Nazism, Fascism, Neo Age cultism and etc .. Fear of corrupted politicians is higher than fear of death, climate deterioration or public speaking in US, according to a 2017 survey. So, the 21st century polarizing uncertainty crisis emerges: if mass movements allegedly always end up badly, how to fight global scale challenges: environmental collapse, neocolonialism, poverty, inequality, biotech revolution, and automation? - My work so far has been in the boundaries of film and video art. I focused mostly on projection installations.