Cham Chahda

beeldhouwen - collage - figuratief - keramiek - objecten - sculptuur

The main components that drive my art practice are the material explorations and the dialogue evoked between those different materials. The work that I create revolves around the state of being human in both psychology and body languages. I construct each artwork with various media in such a way that both complements and contrasts the individual characteristics of each material. My aim is to explore new materials and surfaces each time I initiate a new piece.


Tentoonstelling / presentatie

  • 07-07-2018 t/m 14-07-2018
  • In samenwerking met: La Maison de la Syrie
  • Locatie: Projet Young, Montréal
  • Solo Exhibition that showcased a series of artwork inspired by the concept of being “human”. The body of work embodies those who have witnessed the outcomes of war and the memories they carry with them, using reused and repurposed materials in a collage technique.