Clara Balaguer

archieven - artistiek onderzoek - community - dekolonisatie - Diaspora - educatie - geluid - mobiliteit - netwerk - proces - publicatie - residency - samenwerking - schrijven - sociaal-maatschappelijk - taal



  • 07-07-2021 t/m 22-08-2022
  • In samenwerking met: La Agencia, Temporary URL Academy
  • Locatie: De Appel, Amsterdam
  • SoMeMeR uNSCHooL SMMR NSCHL oeeoou is a MOOOC (Minimal Open Online/Offline Course) for me(i)metic inquiry, an ad-hoc publishing structure, and a gardening club. SoMeMeR uNSCHooL SMMR NSCHL oeeoou convenes as a MOOOC Minimal Open Online/Offline Course for two days of workshops, lectures, and panel discussions on themes such as me(i)metic activism in pedagogical contexts, memory, mimesis as a post-colonial talent, politics and the meme, and meme as academic life-form.