David van Slooten

design - artistiek onderzoek

My work commonly exist of a research which is visualized into a series of sculptural objects. This physical outcome is often very pragmatic and reflecting on our designed surroundings and our material culture. From a research point of view, I am interested in how the meanings of objects come into being and how we relate to the things around us. I prefer to make things by working with a hands-on approach and see how things evolve slowly. In this proces of evolution photography is an important tool. I often work with course building materials and wood. Besides making things, I like to go out with a tent and search for some solitude up in the mountains. Therefore, I have an eye for primitivity, the transience of nature and a love for quick and temporary solutions, things I try to reflect on in my work.

berken tafelwaar (werktitel)


  • 01-02-2021 t/m 30-06-2021
  • In samenwerking met: Belén restaurant
  • Locatie: Rotterdam,
  • Ontwikkelen van tafelwaar van lokaal berkenhout en berkenschors in samenwerking met Belén. Gezamenlijk werken we aan een project waarbij de gehele boom gebruikt kan worden voor zowel het gerecht als het servies.

The Tent


  • 01-02-2021 t/m 21-05-2021
  • In samenwerking met: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Locatie: Rotterdam,
  • Research project into the use of the trekking tent. What is the basis for the leisure culture of camping and mountaineering, and how do the principles of movement, place and time relate to the origin of the tent as a nomadic home? (Part of the masters degree in Design Cultures I'm working on at the moment)