Emir Karyo

audiovisueel - design - digitale technologie - installatie - printen (3d) - schilderen - zeefdrukken

Emir Karyo (2000) is a graphic designer, multi-disciplinary artist and a mischievous explorer based in the Netherlands, who is originally from Istanbul. He relocated to The Hague in 2018 to pursue a degree in Graphic Design at the Royal Academy of Arts (KABK). In 2021, he completed his internship at bus.group, Berlin. Emir's practice focuses on investigating visual language and concepts through his passion for self-contradicting obscure topics. He employs various storytelling tools such as airbrush, sculptures, and screens to deliver multi-sensory impact. Through exploring distinct yet interconnected techniques with synthesizing analog and digital workflows, he hopes to find a common ground between graphic design and fine arts. By taking the viewer on a journey from the familiar to the unknown, he introduces them to realms where reality and fantasy intersect, and where the absurd and satirical coexist.